14 October 2020 – Pick Your Battles – Part 9

1 Samuel 30:7b David inquired of the Lord, “Shall I pursue this raiding party? Will I overtake them?

David and his fighting men were wronged, robbed and wounded. The Amalekites had raided their city and had taken the women and children captive. The raiders had burnt the city and robbed their possessions. David did not panic and rush into pursuing the raiding party. He knew that he will have no success unless he first fights the battle on his knees. Psalms 108:12-13 Give us aid against the enemy, for human help is worthless. With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies. Before we win the battle in the natural the battle must be won in the spiritual.

When we are attacked, robbed or wronged; when we have lost, offended or injured, do we run to the phone or the throne? Our first instinct is to call a friend to download our pain and discuss the plan of retaliation and recovery. David, went into his prayer closet when his heart was heavy and broken. Everyone around him were angry, bitter and distressed but David found strength in the Lord his God. David was also bewildered but he knew taking decision when he was nervous would be erroneous. So he took time to soak in God’s presence for instructions, directions and resolution.

Three lessons from David when we are struck with unexpected loss, fear and failure:

1.     Consolation: Talk to God before talking to your best mate. Calm yourself and marinate in His presence. God will speak to us only when we still ourselves in His presence. If our hearts are flustered with the heat of the issue, we will not hear Him. Our mind will be filled with our  solutions and retributions. Words of comfort will not sink into our heart; instructions will not penetrate into our preoccupied mind. If we talk to people, they will impose their views on us and fill our minds with their views and perceptions. So, the first person to talk to is Jesus and the first place to run to is our prayer closet.

2.     Direction: David did not know where to go but the Lord led him to an abandoned dying slave who showed him the direction to his destination. 1 Samuel 30:11 They found an Egyptian in a field and brought him to David. The Egyptian was a slave of the Amalekites who was abandoned by his master as he fell ill. When we are confused, perplexed and baffled, God will bring the right people in our path. Most times they will be insignificant strangers. The deserted slave took David straight to the enemy’s camp! God can even use a reserved colleague, an office attendant or parking agent to give us destiny directions.   

3.     Resolution: 1 Samuel 30:8b “Pursue them,” he answered. “You will certainly overtake them and succeed in the rescue.” David knew the end result before he left his devastated burnt down home.  Before he knew where to go or what to do, he knew that he was going to recover and rescue.  Prayer closet is the place of resolute resolution to all our problems.

God will say go but will not give us a road map; He will give us strategies but will not give us step by step directions as we will be alarmed at the hills that we have to climb. Spiritual battles are won only when we operate in faith. Fight all your battles on your knees and you will win every time.

1 Samuel 30: 18 David recovered everything the Amalekites had taken. 19 Nothing was missing.

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