17 October 2020 – The Exchange – Part 2

Joel 3:10 Let the weak say, “I am strong!”.

At the cross our weaknesses were exchanged with divine strength. Jesus needed more strength to remain on the cross, endure shame and death than to miraculously come down from the cross. He was mocked by spectators and slanderers. Mark 15:29-30 “Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads and saying,…come down from the cross and save yourself!” The one who called Lazarus back to life from the grave after 4 days, the one who brought the daughter of Jairus back to life, the one who healed the leaper and opened the eyes of the blind, submitted to the dreadful death in order to exchange our weakness with supernatural strength.  Jesus has already overcome our frailty, infirmity and insufficiency on the cross.   

Gideon was a coward and a complainer. The enemy had pushed the Israelites into hiding. Repeated defeats for seven years had buried their potential under self pity and  insecurity. While Gideon was hiding in the winepress threshing wheat, he had an angelic visitation to exchange the weakness, hopelessness and fickleness with strength, vigour and valour. The Angel addressed the coward as a champion,  “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior” (Judges 6:12). He restored hope, strength and power into the weak, hopeless fickle weakling and restored victory back to Israel.

Our weaknesses are like holes in the fence of a house. Street dogs and strange intruders will trespass if the walls of our character is not strengthened and fortified by divine power. Jesus has already won over our weaknesses. All we have to do is to exchange our weaknesses with His strength.

Three warnings from Judges 6:

1.     Acknowledge: Midian impoverished the Israelites that they cried out to the Lord for help. The Lord sent a prophet to warn them not to worship the gods of the Amorites and Midianites but they did not give heed to the warning, neither did they repent and turn from their wicked ways. Hence the Lord had to send an angel to get Gideon’s attention. Gideon replied, “but if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? (vs 10). Rather than questioning His omnipotence, we must ponder over our rebellious nature. Step 1 to overcome our weakness is to acknowledge it.

2.     Admit: Judges 6:3 Whenever the Israelites planted their crops, the Midianites, Amalekites and other eastern peoples invaded the country. If our efforts are being eroded; energy is being drained and investment is being wasted, our walls must be strengthened. Never accept the erosions as accidents or incidents. Identify the weak areas through which the enemy is entering and causing devastation. It could be a moment of weakness or a life time of weakness, addiction or craving. Indentify and expose it before the Lord. Step 2 is to admit and confess our weaknesses before the Lord.

3.     Anchor: In an exchange there will be habits, patterns and practices that we have to detach and others that we have to attach to. Anchor on to the word of God. Only accept what the Word of God says about you. Refuse to accept the harsh comments of an arrogant boss or a backstabbing friend. People, perspectives and opinions will change but God’s word will never change. Dislodge from pessimistic thinking patterns; disconnect relationships that are demeaning and decline invitation to places that will displace constructive habits. Step 3 – Anchor on to the promises of God.  

Exchange the weakness with divine strength and overcome the invading intruder until the enemy is totally obliterated from your territory.

2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

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