19 October 2020 – The Exchange – Part 4

Genesis 17:5 No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham.

We see that the Lord God changed the names of His saints before He commissioned them into their calling. Abram (meaning ‘Father’) was changed to ‘Abraham’ which meant ‘Father of Many’, while he was childless. Jacob (meaning trickster) was changed to Israel which means ‘Triumphant with God’. Jesus renamed Peter (meaning ‘stone/pebble’) to Cephas (Rock). The maiden Esther who became the queen in the pagan Persian kingdom had another name, ‘Hadassah’. Hadassah means myrtle, compassionate and hidden. She was a sweet looking, fragrant, loving orphan slave girl hidden in the home of a captive from Israel. However, she was also known as Esther which meant “star”. Esther 2:7 Mordecai had a cousin named Hadassah, whom he had brought up because she had neither father nor mother. This young woman, who was also known as Esther. Esther was called to shine like a star however, Esther wanted to cringe and hide in her corner. God filled her with courage to stand up before the king and to bring salvation to her people. Hence she was crowned as Queen Esther not, Queen Hadassah.

This world will write a book about our mistakes and a paragraph about our achievements. The shameful names and labels that are given to us by colleagues, companions and comrades can retard our prospect, potential and potent.

Jesus has renamed, relabelled and rebranded our sin and shame on the cross:

1.     Limit: We are not limited by our failures. Peter who was called the rock, failed and betrayed Jesus three times. Even when Peter gave up on himself God did not give up on Cephas. God will never take back the keys of authority; He will never snatch away our power because we have stumbled. He will pick us, dust us and put us back on the road of recovery.  He will show special care to restore us back to our calling. Jesus sent a special note to Peter after His resurrection just to let him know that he was still the rock though he stumbled like a stone. Mark 16:7 Now go and tell his disciples, including Peter.  

2.     Label: We are not limited by labels on the outside. Our colour, creed or country does not limit the power that is within us. The label that the world gives us does not change the content inside us. The Lord re-labels ‘victory’ over our defeats; ‘restoration’ over the ruins and ‘acceptance’ over the rejection stickers. The power inside us will overrun, overpower and override the stickers that are fixed on us. Jesus has paid the ransom for the  blunders, blemish and blames 2,000 years ago on the cross. He has relabelled us as special, precious and righteous.

3.     Licence: We are not limited by our defaults. Errors might result in a fine but it doesn’t make us a failure; our licence to serve, love and worship Him does not get cancelled. Romans 11:29 For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. The responsibilities may change if we repeatedly default, but relationship never changes. Our Father will never disown us. He will never stop loving us.  

The divine exchange for the names, tags and labels of our faults and failures took place on the cross of Calvary. We are called to be Esther (a shining star) not Hadasah (a hiding myrtle). Stop hiding, start shining.

Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.

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