08 Nov 2020 – Burdens – Part 2

Matthew 14:15 As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.”

The most difficult and weighty burden to carry are ‘people’. These are relationships we are stuck with and cannot sever. These are associations that we cannot easily dislodge and disconnect ourselves from. These are relations that are demanding, difficult and draining. Many waste away their life feeling sorry for some decisions, choices and selections that cannot be altered. You can choose your friends but you cannot choose your family! However, little do we realise that it is the same burdensome, troublesome and annoying people are the doorways to the breakthroughs in life. God has not made a mistake in choosing our colour, creed or community into which we were born. He has strategically placed us in the places where we are to display His power and splendour.  

The feeding of the five thousand has been mentioned in all four gospels however, just before the awesome miracle, “the crowd” were a burden to the disciples. The disciples gave a wise and calculative suggestion to Jesus to send the crowds away as they were in an desolate desert and it was getting dark. The closest takeaway was miles away and the food outlets were closing soon. They didn’t travel by car and they didn’t have mobiles to order uber eats. We know that the disciples had no pre-packed food as they brought the leftover lunch from a little boy. Jesus used the same people whom the disciples considered burdensome as the door to the marvellous miracle. The disciples not only served ‘the crowd’ with a sumptuous dinner but they were also fed, filled and feverish.

God will use the burden as the door to the breakthrough:

1.     Annoying: God will use an annoying boss to break open the door of elevation. He will use a frustrating relationship to position us to the pathway of promotion. He used the envious brothers of Joseph to propel him to the place of power. Praise God for the aggravating, annoying and agitating people in your life. They are the doorway to the breakthroughs.

2.     Antagonising: There are relationships that cause pain, persecution and even imprisonment. Joseph was unjustly treated, unfairly abused and irrationally judged by his boss and his seductive wife. However, God used these crooks to position Joseph to be propelled them into the palace. Praise God for the antagonising, sadistic and vicious enemies. The troublemakers are the stairways to the highroad and honour.

3.     Appetising: God permits giants in our way to teach us that He is mightier than the gorillas and Goliaths that attack us. Caleb boldly proclaimed not to be afraid of the giants as they will become like food for them. Number 14:9 And do not fear the people of the land, for they are bread for us. Our spiritual man will become stronger as we feed on His word to face the giants. God will use the very mammoth in our path to pave the expressway to elevation.

Let’s stop complaining about the burdensome, cumbersome and troublesome people in our lives. They are the doorways to the breakthroughs and the blessings.

Psalm 81:6 I removed the burden from their shoulders; their hands were set free from the basket..

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