23 Nov 2020 – Transits – Part 2

Joshua 5:6 For the Israelites had wandered in the wilderness forty years, until all the nation’s men of war who had come out of Egypt had died, since they did not obey the LORD.

Transits are temporary stops between different seasons of life. During air travel, at transits we refresh and recuperate for the next leg of travel. The Israelites were on a journey from Egypt to Canaan. Along the way they had few transits. Elim was one such transit. Exodus 15:27 Then they came to Elim, .and they camped there near the water. The GPS for the six hundred thousand men and their families was the cloud of God’s presence. When the cloud moved, they moved. Exodus 40:37 if the cloud did not lift, they did not set out-until the day it lifted. However, when they were in the last transit point before they could possess the Promised Land, the Israelites fell into the pit of dread, disbelief and doubt which turned a 11 days journey in the wilderness into 40 years of wandering.

The promises and prophecies will come into fruition only when we journey on in faith. As we get closer to our destination, the travel would get tougher; wind fiercer, waves higher and vision grimmer. The forces of the darkness will fight to discourage, disdain and destroy the purpose of our life. The devil would speak deceptive lies into our ears to make us believe that we are stranded in the middle of nowhere and that our promises will never come to pass. This is when we must rebuild our resilience and ricochet back into our journey.

Three things to remember when we are tempted to make the temporary resting place our residence:

1.     Check-in: The key to continue the journey and reach the destiny is to move out of the transit lobby and check-in. Checking-in is the process of reporting, registering or signing-in. When the transit is tempting or trialling, check-in and get your boarding pass to the onward journey. Spiritually, it is committing to follow the voice of God no matter how tough the journey gets. It is the process of surrendering our comfort and submitting to conquer the promises and prophecies. Commit to trust, to persevere and recommit to your covenant with God and man.

2.     Board: Board the flight to the onward journey. Refuse to be stuck with the defeat, rejection and loss. Move on. Stop looking back. Stop nursing the wounds of your past and stop allowing fear to stop you from flying. Once we start flying fear will die. The Israelites were only one step away from victory but they refused to board the flight. Numbers 14:4 They said to each other, “Let’s choose a leader and go back to Egypt.” Their disbelief earned tombs in the transit. God will keep His promise, so boldly board the flight.

3.     Cruise: We have to take off from the transit to get a terrestrial view of the promise and the paradise. Our step of faith into God’s spaceship will cruise us into our destiny. The change in the atmosphere, pressure and blustery weather is handled by the pilot and not the passenger.  We just have to relax, rest and cruise.   

The sceptical and suspicious generation of the Israelites who travelled from Egypt wandered in the desert and died in the wilderness. The challenges, chaos and calamity that we are facing with our career, spouse and the economy will change when we check-in, board and cruise with the Lord. Don’t make the temporary transit your permanent resting place.

Numbers 14:8 If the Lord is pleased with us, He will bring us into this land and give it to us.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, let me not be swayed by the reality around me but be strengthened by your Sovereignty of your presence in me. Amen

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