25 Nov 2020 – Transits – Part 4

Numbers 32:5b Don’t take us to the other side of the Jordan River.

Two tribes Reuben and Gad decided to settled with the second best. They made their short transit stage  their permanent stay and did not cross over the Jordan River into Canaan that God had promised their forefathers. After wandering for 40 years in the wilderness, when they saw the green grazing land, they decided to settle down. Moses was furious at the decision of these two tribes. Vs 7 Why are you trying to discourage the Israelites? You will make them not want to cross the river and take the land that the Lord has given to them! When God brings you out of the wilderness and dryness, do not settle for the second best. Pursue and persevere to inherit the promised land.   

Moses rebuked the leaders of the two tribes and reproved them from discouraging the rest of the people who were willing and waiting to possess the promised land. The grass on the west of Jordan lured them to settle for the inferior. They rushed to stay at a place which was only a transit and a short stay hence they missed out on the best that was ahead of them.

Three lessons from the tribes that decided to reside where they were only supposed to rest:

1.     Short sighted: Most times our spiritual insight is short sighted. We can only see the present and reminisce the past but God can see the end from the beginning. When a door closes, an opportunity slips or a relationship breaks, remember, it was not God’s first best for you. Israel had to cross over to the flooded river Jordan to receive the reward. Don’t be short sighted and regress when challenged. The challenge is the door to the promise land. 

2.     Second Best: Our soul can be easily distracted and perturbed. We look for a quick fixes and easy solutions to the crisis. Don’t be quick to make permanent decisions for temporary reliefs. Good things take time. So either you wait or settle for less. When we lose an opportunity or a relationship, remember it was not the first best. God gives the best to those who persevere and  pursue to inherit the promise.

3.     Settle-down: The promise is ours as soon as it is given, but we must persist and fight to succeed. Only those who were perseverant to cross the swarming river and the fierce, fearless fighters enjoyed the abundance. Matthew 11:12b Violent men take it by force. Those who refuse to fight the war of faith, compromise to live a mediocre life and refuse to press on to destroy the enemy. Don’t stop asking until you receive every syllable in the promise, don’t stop seeking until you see the hand of deliverance and don’t stop knocking until the door to the promised land is opened. Don’t settle for less than the first best.

Tiredness to press on, weariness to keep fighting and exhaustion and fatigue are devils tricks to compel us to accept the dysfunction and mediocrity. Press on until you are completely healed, set free and blessed. Don’t give up, don’t quit and don’t settle for the second best. It is only a transit.

1 Corinthians 2:9 ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.

Prayer: Dear Lord, Let me not be spiritually short sighted and settle for the second best.  Give me the tenacity to press on to inherit the promises. Amen

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