05 Dec 2020 – Unnamed, Unknown & Unseen – Part 1

Luke 2:7 She wrapped Him in cloths and placed Him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

Jesus was born in a manger behind an unknown motel which belonged to an unnamed manager. The name or the address of the inn is not recorded, neither is the name of the innkeeper who opened his barn to the King of Kings. Yet the place and person played a very significant role in the birth of the Lord of Lords. Joseph did not check the reviews before he booked his stay, the barn was the only homestead that was available. They did not even plan to have the delivery at Bethlehem, yet this insignificant inn keeper and his unnamed inn are never forgotten as he was selfless, caring and giving. Success is about us, significance is about others.

We don’t have to be famous, well known or a celebrity to become significant. People celebrate the successful but they respect the significant. SUCCESS is when I add value to myself, SIGNIFICANCE is when I add value to others – John C Maxwell. Like all other motels and hotels in Bethlehem, this unnamed innkeeper was overbooked. He had people sleeping in his living room and his lounge. There was a sudden rush in the tourists as Caesar Augustus issued a decree that census should be taken in the entire Roman world, therefore everyone was forced to go back to their own hometown to register. Hence the sudden flux of travellers and expats. Little did the generous innkeeper know that he was opening his doors to the Saviour of the world. It is the little, insignificant and unimportant sacrifices that we make that expound us to become significant.

Three simples keys to significance:

1.     Share: The Innkeeper had no place in his inn, yet he made room for the couple and the pregnant woman. Sharing knowledge, wealth and wisdom creates room for significance. God calls us not to be successful, but to be significant. When we focus on significance, success is often part of the package – Tom Ziglar. In this world that is selfish, self-centred and egoistic, sharing is the key to significance.

2.     Care: This unnamed innkeeper cared about a woman who was going into labour on the streets of Bethlehem, hence created room for her. Many have no or little time for others in their busy schedule but caring means creating space and time to invest into the lives of others. The compassionate make room, find space and take time to leave a positive impact in the lives of those around them.  I feel the capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance – Pablo Casals.     

3.     Inspire: Those who overflow with abundance complain that they don’t have enough but those who  live with just enough enjoy the fullness of life. The irony of satisfaction is in contentment not in possessions. Similarly the joy of success is in inspiring, impressing and invigorating people around us.   Success means using your knowledge and experience to satisfy yourself. Significance means using your knowledge and experience to change the lives of others – Bob Buford.     

We don’t have to be famous, celebrated or renowned to be significant. We can share, care and inspire in small ways and impact greatly.

Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to stop chasing success and start sowing significance. Make me a source of blessing to those around me. Amen

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