08 Dec 2020 – Unnamed, Unknown & Unseen – Part 4

2 Kings 5:2-3 Now bands of raiders from Aram had gone out and had taken captive a young girl from Israel, and she served Naaman’s wife. 3 She said to her mistress, “If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy.”

There was an unnamed girl, from an unknown family, serving in the kitchen, behind the screens at the home of Naaman the commander of Aram. The young girl was taken captive by the band of raiders from Aram. It is not mentioned which family, clan or tribe she belonged to and she would not have had a direct interaction with Naaman as she was his wife’s attendant. However the advice of this unseen slave girl serving in the backyard brought hope and healing to this valiant solider who was highly regarded and respected by the people and the King of Aram. Significance is in the influence we can make in the lives around us. It is not about being well known, recognised or famous, it is about the power to make a positive impact. There is no mention of this girl after Naaman was healed however the bold influence of this unknown slave girl, healed the incurable, infectious leprosy and spared the life of the celebrity.

Dedication, commitment and devotion to our calling will be rewarded by significance. It doesn’t matter how famous we are or how well known we are, we can still make a difference and influence the people around us if we are dedicated. This salve girl was snatched away from the safety of her home. Her father and brothers might have been killed before she was taken captive. Rather than harbouring resentment and bitterness towards Naaman who raided and ruined her country, she became a source of blessing to the person who broke her.           .

        We don’t have to be seen to make a difference. Three keys to the power of influence:

1.     Motive: This unnamed slave girl who served in the unseen patio could have rejoiced that the incurable disease on Naaman was God’s judgement and enjoyed watching the cruel man who harmed her, rot in leprosy and die; However, she became a blessing to the betrayer. ‘Silence is a sin’ when our constructive advise could help or heal a broken body or heart.

2.     Authoritative: This unnamed little girl did not speculate about the healing; she was confident that her God would heal leprosy. She put her life at risk and advised boldly. It was the bravery in the voice of the slave girl that influenced Naaman’s wife – “If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy.” If we don’t believe what we say and declare, we can never influence those around us.     

3.     Productive: Influencers will not indulge in vain babbles and useless chatters. Words powered by right motives will even penetrate into parliaments and palaces to transform lives. Motive is the wind behind the sail, it is the gasoline in the engine that moves and gears an ordinary advice into an ‘influential life changing proclamation’.  When the motive is right, the influence will be productive. 

The unnamed, unknown and unseen little girl was productive and influential as her motives were clean, confident and candid.

James 4:17 So if you know of an opportunity to do the right thing today, yet you refrain from doing it, you’re guilty of sin.

Prayer: Lord I don’t have to be prominent to be powerful; neither do I have to be famous to be productive. Make me a channel of blessing to those around me. Amen

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