25 Dec 2020 – His Name – Part 7

Matthew 1:21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.”

Christ is not the surname of Jesus. Christ is a Greek word that means “The Anointed” or “the Messiah”. Jesus in Hebrew means, “to save or to rescue”. Angles, played a very important role in the birth of Jesus. An angel in a dream informed Joseph of the name to be given to the Saviour of the World.  Angels are divine servants soldiers and messengers. Hebrews 1:14 Therefore, angels are only servants—spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation. There would have been a lot of excitement building-up in heaven on the first Christmas. As Mary advanced with birth pains, the orchestra of the heavenly hosts got ready with their violins and voices. As soon as Gabriel announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds, the windows of heaven were unbolted, the lights lit up in the Heavenly stage to perform to the shepherds in the field. The angles sang praises, “Glory to God in the highest Heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom His favour, rests” (Luke 2:14). This was only a rehearsal for the angelic orchestra that would accompany Jesus when He comes back as the King of Judah.   

Three very important things happened at the arrival of Jesus the Saviour:

1.     Heaven: The heavens opened. Sin covered the earth like a thick cloud of pollution. After the prophetic utterance of the last prophet, Malachi, there was deadly silence for 400 years before the birth of Jesus. Jews were under the cruel rule of the Romans. The arrival of Jesus cracked open the darkness and people could see the great light of salvation. Matthew 4:16 The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light. This light “Jesus” is only glowing brighter and brighter today. Jesus the Saviour, shines in the dusty, doomed, dark, dungeon of addiction, bondage, curses, hopelessness and sin to set us free.  Jesus cracked open the canopy of sin that separated us from God and opened our access to Heaven.

2.     Head: The head of satan was crushed. Jesus opened the door to the miraculous, marvellous and extraordinary lifestyle to those who believe. The hustle and bustle in the Heavenly realm caused commotion and confusion in hell. The purpose of the arrival of Jesus in humble human clothing was to proclaim freedom to the prisoners, recovery of sight to the blind and freedom to the oppressed. The head of satan was crushed when the slaves to sin and bondage were set free, spiritually blinded received sight and the oppressed were healed. On the first Christmas, Jesus crushed the head of satan.

3.     Hangover: The deceiver the devil has still not got over the hangover of the first Christmas. Jesus snatched the keys of authority from the hands of satan and handed it over to us. Luke 9:1 He called the twelve together, and gave them power and authority over all the demons and to heal diseases. Signs, wonders, healings and miracles accompany those who put their faith in the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Demons cannot stand the name of Jesus; they tremble and flee. Strongholds shatter when we use the name of Jesus. Devil has not and will not get over the hangover and the headache of the first Christmas until His second coming. Hallelujah!

The name ‘Jesus’ is the most powerful name on earth and Heaven. Let us join with the divine orchestra and celebrate the arrival of the King and the Saviour Jesus Christ.  

Luke 1:31 “Behold, you will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus.”

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, help me to enjoy the fullness of life that you came to give me. May this Christmas ingrain the true meaning of freedom and liberty in my heart . Amen

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