28 Dec 2020 – Decisions – Part 3

Genesis 39:9 How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?.

Our decisions must be based on godly values and clean motives. Thoughts feed into our feelings and feelings(emotions) control our motives. To test our motives, our thoughts framing our motives must be “test checked” and “validated”. Think about what you are thinking and meditating about. “A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts” – James Allen. Our thoughts, emotions and motives are the mortar, brick and clay that lay the foundation of our character. Hence the motives that form the basis of our decisions must be assessed, evaluated and appraised. Joseph was a Godly young man who loved the Lord and served his Egyptians master Potiphar, faithfully and honestly. He was tempted by Potiphar’s wife day after day to commit adultery but he resisted, refused and ran away from her. He shut the door on sin not because he had made a new year’s decision but because his character was built on Godliness, holiness and purity.  He asked her a simple question, “How can I sin against my earthly boss and my Heavenly Master?” He questioned the emotions that was driving her actions. This young handsome slave Joseph could not be swayed by cheap pleasures, pretty women or easy pathways to promotions as his thoughts, motives and actions were measured by the scales of “Godly fear”.

We must ‘test check’ our decisions for accountability, achievability and authenticity:

1.     Accountable: Make your decisions accountable to God and to a trusted friend, mentor or family member – they are your “decision-buddy”. Find a decision-buddy and share the decisions you make for 2021. Make yourself accountable for your actions. Our actions must support our decisions. For example, If we decide to read a book a week but don’t dedicate or allocate sometime for reading, our decision will only be on paper. Talk about the goals you have set to achieve your decisions to the “decision-buddy”. Allow your “decision-buddy” to critique, comment and commend your decisions and actions.   

2.     Achievable: Our decisions , visions and goals will become achievable only if we think right and defeat wrong thinking patterns. “Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results; bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results” – James Allen. Set realistic goals and also preset your mindset.  Proverbs 23:7  For as he a thinketh in his heart, so is he. Sometimes our mind must be reset from the past experiences, failures and mishaps. Revamp your mind, push the reset button and refresh before you set your goals for 2021.   

3.     Authenticity: Our decisions must be real and authentic. We must mean what we say and set our goals. Joseph was a teenager when he was sold as a slave but his mind was set on purity and authenticity. He did not find easy ways to climb up the ladder. He chose faithfulness over fun; endurance over excitement  and authenticity over falsehood. Let our decisions be authentic, genuine and real.

Accountability is the backbone of life changing decisions and authenticity is the nourishment that feeds our decisions, motives and actions. Reset, reorganize and retune your mindset before you set your goals for 2021.

Philippians 4:8  Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, I surrender my thoughts that feed into my motives and control my decisions & actions. Teach me and discipline me to proof test my thoughts to be true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable excellent and praise worthy. Amen 

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