03 Jan 2021 – Purpose – Part 3

Psalms 138:8a The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me.

The purpose of God will be pitched around our strength zone. Everyone born in this world has special gifts and talents. When we find our purpose, our strength becomes powerful. Peter was a skilful, thriving, entrepreneur along the shores of Galilee. When Jesus called Peter to serve Him, He said, “Come, follow Me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). Peter was also a very impulsive, impetuous and instinctive hothead.  He terribly failed by betraying Jesus after being the right-hand-man and personal assistant of Jesus throughout His ministry. Once Peter found his purpose, Jesus continued to pour out His anointing on his ordinary talent and empowered him for the extraordinary. He transformed Peter’s weakness with His strength and exchanged Peter’s mistakes with supernatural miracles. He can use us just as we are, with our strengths, weaknesses and messes.

Find your strength zone, surrender your weakness and exchange your mess:

1.     Strengths: The Lord will empower the knowledge, acumen and skill-set that we have acquired in the natural, to operate in the supernatural. He used an ordinary fisherman and secular businessman Peter to become a spokesman, evangelist and apologist for Christ. When our worldly understanding, degrees and proficiency are coupled with the power of the Holy Spirit it becomes “talent +”. Polly, (the sister of William Carey a missionary who spent 41 years in India) was bedridden and almost completely paralyzed for 52 years. However, she was the prayer partner for her brother who served in India faithfully. Polly found her purpose in her paralysis. Her strength was in the power of her prayer in the bed of paralysis. Our strength could be gardening, imaging or designing. It doesn’t matter how the world evaluates our strength. Our aptitude becomes talent + when blessed and anointed by the Holy Spirit.

2.     Weaknesses: Peter’s weakness was his impetuousness but his weakness became the wind that fanned the fire of his passion and purpose.  After the resurrection of Jesus, it was Peter who led the way for the other apostles to boldly preach the gospel. Fanny Crosby, the writer of over 9,000 hymns lost her eyesight when she was six weeks old due to medical ignorance. However, the blind woman burst forth in profound songs of praise. Our weakness becomes His strength when it is surrendered into the hands of the Saviour. Peter’s weakness and Crosby’s blindness became the boosters to their purpose. Weakness surrendered into God’s hands will become a Booster +.       

3.     Experiences:  God uses our mistakes to keep us humble, forgiving and non-judgemental towards the weaknesses and downfall of others. After betraying his Master and Saviour, Peter cried bitterly. Our silly mistakes can make us bitter and indignant towards ourselves. If you are struggling to forgive yourself, remember, Jesus took special care to restore Peter. Jesus did not demote Peter after the betrayal, He promoted him to become the pioneer and the founder of the church of Christ. Saving Peter was a miracle but after the mess, promoting him was “miracle +”. God will use our experiences, mistakes and blunders and turn them into a miracle. Our mess in satan’s hand will destroy us but our mess in God’s hands will be transformed into “miracle +”.  

God can use us just as we are. Just surrender your strengths, weaknesses and secret mistakes.  

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.                                           

Prayer: Heavenly Father take my aptitude and make it aptitude +, take my weakness and transform it to booster + and take my mess and make it miracle +. Anoint me and make me usable, pliable and teachable. Amen 

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