27 Jan 2021 – Unanswered Prayers – Part 6

Exodus 33:11 T he LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.

Prayer is a dialogue not a monologue. In modern theology, the conversations that the Lord had with the patriarchs, prophets and priests is termed as “prayer”. He spoke to Moses for 40 long days and shared His secrets, His will and His heartbeat. The spiritual ears of Moses were tuned to listen to the Lord and his tongue was trained not to interrupt. As people became more and more sinful, callous and arrogant, God’s voice became softer and quieter. Prayer is our personal and private time of intimacy with the Lord. Prayer is a time of aloneness with God shut away from the busy bustle of life to communicate with the Lord. This is the time when we receive understanding, clarity and directions to handle the challenges, confusions and chaos of life. Many prayers hang in midair, unanswered as they are not prayed with understanding the mind of God, nor synchronizing with the will or the Word of God. .

Sin has silenced the voice of God, however, holiness, righteousness and faithfulness reactivate the voice of God in our spirit.  Holy Spirit helps us to reconnect, converse and communicate with the invisible God tangibly, intimately and confidently. He gives us a prayer language and intercedes on our behalf.  When we allow the Holy Spirit take control of our tongue and intercede on our behalf, He will change our childlike, ignorant and desperate prayers into divine dialogues.

Three tips to transform our prayer time to divine dialogues and discussions:

1.     Ways: Prayer is not an elaborate expression of our wants. Prayer is tuning-in and understanding heartbeat of God. Hearing from the Lord is a disciple that we have to develop by silencing our racing mind and jabbering soul. Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10). After speaking, singing and even sighing, sit still to hear what the Lord has to say. If you don’t hear Him or understand His ways, read His Word. His ways are hidden in His Word.  

2.     Will: Prayer is understanding the will of God. Romans 8:27b the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.Understanding the will of God is not rocket science or a special treasure reserved only for prophets, preachers and priests. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit we will not be able to walk outside the will of God. The Holy Spirit is the spiritual intelligence that controls the mind and communicates with the soul. If we lose our peace over a decision, we are clearly outside the will of God.

3.     Word: Prayer is agreeing to walk according to His Word, His direction and decision. Praying is committing to fulfil the conditions stipulated in the Word for God. No father can give his son the car keys unless he has a valid licence. No prayer made outside the Word or in contrary to the Word of God will be answered. His Word is the yardstick that will measure the propensity of our prayer.      

Prayer is a divine dialogue away from worldly distractions to understand God’s ways, His will and His Word. These divine dialogues will give us divine directions and answers to our desperations.

Psalms 62:11 One thing God has spoken, two things I have heard: “Power belongs to you, God.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Help me to lean on your bosom and listen to your heartbeat. Help me to understand your will, your ways in the light of your Word. I desire to deepen my divine dialogues with you. Amen 

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