09 Feb 2021- Past, Present & Future -Part 5

Psalm 139:16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Our future is God’s past. We don’t live under “chance, spell, fate or luck”. The Almighty God our master builder, designer and architect has already completed the blueprint for our life. God’s plan is revealed to us through the scriptures, promises and prophecies. The promises that we claim are not the probabilities but the finished plan that the Lord God has printed and pasted in His “book of life” even before we were conceived and sent into this world.  When God told the old man Abraham and his barren wife Sarah that He will make them a great nation, it was already completed in His ‘book of life’. The waiting period of 25 years for Abraham and Sarah was just to prepare them to receive the promised future.

In God’s view, He sees us as the finished product and not as raw materials. Our life is a completed portrait not an unfinished piece of work. Our current state is only “work in progress” to a glorious, victorious and prosperous future.     

Three ways to fulfil God’s plan, proposal and perspective:

1.     Finished: The promises of God are not what He will do but what He has “already done”. Write down the promises and prophecies and speak it over your life. Take your eyes off the present condition, failures and disappointments. Don’t see yourself as broke, bruised or betrayed. Envisage yourself as the pristine, prestigious finished product. No methods, mechanism of machinery in God’s factory breaks down. Even if we interrupt God’s process by our disobedience and ruin plan A, He has plan B which will still take us to our destination. Our future is the finished work of God’s plan.

2.     Completed: The prophecies spoken over our lives are only preannouncements of God’s planned future for us. The elderly couple sat outside the tent night after night and counted the stars and saw the children, grandchildren and the generation to come when their bodies were withering away. When the Lord says, “I will make you a well watered garden”, we must start counting the fruits on the trees, enjoy the flowers and the flourishing garden when our physical eyes can only see a barren piece of dry land. Our future is already completed in God’s perspective.

3.     Fulfilled: God does not send us into a finite time period on earth to toil and fulfil His proposal. Walking in obedience, faithfulness and agreement with God will fulfil His plan in our lives. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. God never misses to fulfil His part to prosper us; it is our disobedience, derailments and distractions that misdirects us away from His plan. Our future is already fulfilled in His plan.

So take your eyes of your weakness, sickness or meagreness and see yourself as a finished work of God’s promise. Our healing, deliverance and redemption is already completed, fulfilled and finished. We are not waiting on God to finish His part, He is waiting on us to prepare, make room, organise and rearrange our life to accomplish His plan, promises and prophecies. Our future is God’s past.

Psalm :15 My future is in your hands.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, Prepare me, break me, melt me and mould me to make room to fulfil your plan and to bring your plan into fruition in my life. Amen

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