19 Feb 2021 – Foothold – Part 1

Ephesians 4:27 Do not give the devil a foothold.

One of the most powerful truth that can strengthen the core of our inner man is that “the devil does not have any authority, dominion or power over our lives, except to the extent we permit, entertain or authorise him”. As long as our spiritual fence is wedged without a foothold, the deceiver will only be a spectator in our lives. This is why Peter describes him as a roaring, growling, ravaging lion, waiting, spying and lurking to devour our lives. Hence, it is important to be cautious, conscientious and careful with our lives. “Resist him, standing firm in the faith” (1 Peter 5:9).  Fortify our fence and fix our footholds.

There are three fences that we must be assiduous and mindful of. The physical fence, mental fence and emotional fence. Physical fence is the boundary that we place around our physical bodies. This fence is the easiest to fix when it breaks down. When a person is abusing their body with lack of sleep, by abrasive substances, intoxicating drinks or promiscuous lifestyle, they don’t need anyone to tell them that their life is crumbling by the broken fence of careless living. However, the fence around the mind and emotions are the invisible boundaries and if the borders are not guarded, the fence will be intruded by secret habits, addictions or licentious lifestyles. Ignored footholds are open doors for the devil to encroach into our lives.    

Three dangers of footholds:

1.     Toehold: All that a snake needs to slither into is a toehold. One weakness is more than enough to destroy destiny. Don’t give ear or entertain vain and foolish arguments. “Avoid worthless, foolish talk that only leads to more godless behaviour” (2 Timothy 2:16). Wedging the edge of our physical, emotional and mental fence is essential to keep the devil away. Seal the holes from slithering intruders with the Word of God. Identify your weak areas and memorise the scripture to wedge the edge. Repeating scripture to overcome sinful thoughts, unforgiveness, anger or pride is like hammering the hold with the wedge. Seal the toeholds.       

2.     Stronghold: When toeholds are ignored, they turn into strongholds. Strongholds are enticements that can control our emotions, behaviours and ideologies. When temptation crosses the line of resistance and becomes compulsive, obsessive and uncontrollable, the slithering intruder has built a stronghold in our mind. Strongholds can be demolished only with divine power. This is why rehab centres are only able to give temporary fixes and not permanent solutions to addictions. Stronghold is a pattern of thinking and the pattern must be brought under the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5b We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. Test the thought and demolish strongholds with divine powers.     

3.     Stranglehold: If toeholds are ignored and strongholds are entertained, it will give room for the devil to have a stranglehold over our lives. Our joy, unity, integrity, peace and progress will be chocked if we permit the devil to have a stranglehold over our lives. He is an illegal entrant in our lives and we can evacuate him anytime. We have all authority over the powers of the devil. Rebuke the tempter, resist the swindler and strangle the strangler out of your life.    

The devil does not have any authority over our lives other than what we give him. Wedge the foothold with the “Word of God”, resist the devil and secure your life.  

Resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7).

Prayer: Heavenly Father, show me the footholds in my fence before the devil can slither in and build a stronghold or control my life with a stranglehold. Give me the tenacity to resist the temptation. Amen

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