22 March 2021 – Ships – Part 4

Romans 13:1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.

The authorities that exist have been established by God – This is a shocking revelation! Even the members of the opposition party in a parliament cannot be placed in their position without God’s admission. Sometimes, the Lord would even use the opposition to deliver His people from oppression. The Hebrews were living in Egypt as second class citizen and did not realise the need to be set free until Pharaoh started tyrannizing them. The children of Israel were sent to Egypt for a short stay during a severe famine when their brother Joseph was the Prime Minister, however, they overstayed for about forty decades (430 years). The subsequent Kings of Egypt who did not know about Joseph were intimidated by this race that was multiplying like rabbits! Hence, the Israelites were stripped of all rights and were subject to harsh treatment, hard labour and birth-control measures by throwing their babies into the River Nile. It is hard to believe that the autocratic dictator Pharaoh was appointed by God, yet the Almighty permitted oppression in order to bring them into freedom. Romans 9:17 For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” God would use a harsh, brash and rude boss to move us out of our comfort zone.   

Three points to ponder about in an employer-employee relationship:

1.     Subject: All leaders are subject to God’s authority. There is no power, dominion or authority above the authority of Jesus Christ. Even the most callous, cruel and malicious leader or boss cannot interfere with the progress as our promotion is determined by the employment board in Heaven.  Ephesians 6:5b&6a Always do what is right and not only when others are watching, so that you may please Christ. Serve your employers wholeheartedly. When we work to please God not man, even the  irrational, illogical and insidious boss will become a channel of blessing to us.   

2.     Respect: All positions of power are filled according to God’s plan. Ephesians 6:5 Those who are employed should listen to their employers and obey their instructions with great respect and honour. Never slander about your manager at the lunch table. Don’t boast that you are smarter than your boss and that you could fill his/her position. Your boss might be younger than you, less experienced or less knowledgeable yet, don’t downplay his/her authority. It does not mean that we cannot challenge or speak up but even objection must be done with due respect.

3.     Prospect: The prospects of our promotion, elevation and progress is not in the hands of our superior but in our sincerity and skill.  Proverbs 22:29 If you are uniquely gifted in your work, you will rise and be promoted. You won’t be held back— you’ll stand before kings!. Capability, credibility and compatibility will automatically move us up the ladder of recognition, appreciation and promotion. We don’t have to engage in after work partying or pleasing our boss to be promoted. Our work skills and ethics will speak for us.  

Respect is how to treat everyone, not just those you want to impress – Richard Brason.

1 Timothy 6:1 Instruct every employee to respect and honour their employers, for this attitude presents to them a clear testimony of God’s truth.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, my job, career pathway and promotion comes from you. Let me never be a man-pleaser but bring glory to You in all that I do. Amen

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