27 March 2021 – Outage – Part 2

2 Kings 19:35 That night the angel of the Lord went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp. When the people got up the next morning—there were all the dead bodies!

During the time of King Hezekiah the enemy of Israel experienced a complete blackout and was knocked out. This was one of the most astounding outages where a huge army of hundred and eighty-five thousands Assyrian soldiers experienced complete blackout. One angel of the Lord killed the huge army of one hundred and eighty-five thousand soldiers in one night. The army of the King of Assyria collapsed into a deep coma that they did not even resist or fight back the angel. The only one left was the King of Assyria! The next morning he woke up to the corpse of his army  around him. There was a blackout in the enemy’s camp when the King of Israel humbled himself before the Lord. When King Hezekiah heard the threats from the enemy, he tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and went into the temple of the Lord (2 Kings 19:1b). Our prayers cause blackouts, blowouts and knockouts.

When threatened by a crisis, mocked by the opposition, ridiculed by the enemy or paralysed by the intimidation of the enemy, go on fasting and prayer. The weapons of prayers, fasting and praise will release a combat angel to fight on our behalf.

Three stages of attack on the enemy:

1.     Blackout: When we humble ourselves to fast and pray, the Lord will strike the enemy with deep slumber.  An attacking army is always alert. They would normally take turns to rest however, one hundred and eighty-five soldiers went into deep doze at the same time. Don’t stress about a work colleague who is surged with envy; a family member who is stifling strife or an associate who is sweltering slanders; just fast and pray and the Lord will cause a blackout to their memory, plans and plots.

2.     Strikeout: The Lord promises to drag the trespassing enemy out of our territory when we humble ourselves in fasting and prayer.  2 Kings 19:28 I will put my hook in your nose and my bit in your mouth, and I will make you return by the way you came. The first and the only thing that King Hezekiah did was pray and seek the Lord. He did not call his friends or have a committee meeting. Spiritual battles must be fought only on our knees. Talking to people about mockers and malingers is not going to defeat their purpose; only prayer will. Reverse the plans of the devil, erase his interference from your life and strikeout his strategies by going down on your knees.

3.     Knockout: When browbeaten, scared and frightened by the enemy recalibrate your prayer life. Increase your prayer time and declare a day of fasting and prayer to knockout and completely obliterate the enemy.  Fasting and prayer should be our regular weekly routine to sabotage the plans of the enemy even before he invades into peace, prosperity and progress. Rather than fighting back after the attack, incapacitate the enemy and knockout his plans against our marriage, ministry, money or mandate through regular, weekly fasting and prayer.

The power of fasting and prayer will cause a blackout in hell, strikeout the enemy’s camp and give us a knockout victory.

2 Kings 19:36 So Sennacherib king of Assyria broke camp and withdrew.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, as I humble myself in fasting and prayer, send forth your angel to completely obliterate the enemy who is invading into my privacy, peace and property.  Amen

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