30 March 2021 – Outage – Part 5

2 Kings 7:6-7 The Lord had caused the Arameans to hear the sound of chariots and horses and a great army, so that they said to one another, “Look, the king of Israel has hired the Hittite and Egyptian kings to attack us!” 7 So they got up and fled in the dusk and abandoned their tents and their horses and donkeys.

The Arameans had seized the city of Samaria which caused a severe famine in Israel. The Arameans invaded in large numbers like consuming locust, covered the land and ceased the cities, however, the Lord caused the security signal failure in hell and the hellish sounds system to crash. The Aramean army was ambushed with the sound of chariots and horses of a great army which gripped them with fear and anguish. Tormented by terror they discarded their vehicles (horses & donkeys) and ran by foot back to their country. The security signal outage was caused by one prophet who prophesied life and safety. The prophetic words of Elisha activated the army of the hosts of Heaven to rush down towards the valley where the Arameans were camped and struck them with horror.  They could not see the divine combatants but could hear their marching and rallying, hence they fled leaving their provisions, wagons and rations behind.

Prayer of prophecy will deactivate the security signals of hell causing pandemonium, confusion and chaos in the abyss. When you hear bad news, threats or words of disbelief, prophecy words of faith over the situation as Elisha did.

Three ways to deactivate the security signals of hell:

1.     Encryption: The secret language of hell is not new to us. Hellish voices will be encrypted with derogatory, demeaning and discouraging words. The code of the demons would sow pain, heaviness and depression. The encrypted noise of hell must be silenced by prophetic voice. When you hear “you are a failure or you are worth nothing” decode the demonic noise and encode the prophetic voice of health, life and expansion. When you hear the enemy whispering impending danger and defeat, immediately, encrypt prophetic echoes into hell and confuse the security signals of hell.   

2.     Transcription: Use the text from the scriptures to baffle the demons. The promises of God are powerful. As we repeat, recite and reiterate the promises, the transcript will translate to the voice of warning and a noise of the mighty army of Heaven, in hell. The only way to defeat the devil is to quote Bible verses back to him when he comes to threaten us with a malignant disease, malign reports and malicious clamour. Speaking the promises of God will mess the signals of Heaven and cause confusion to the demons that have come to cause harm. Transcription of God’s prescription will cause confusion to the signals in hell.

3.     Reception: Prophetic words over our adverse, anxious and apprehensive situation will cause a disconnection in the reception between the demons and the devilish realm. The nasty demons will forget the calamity they were sent to cause and will help us rather than harm us. The prophetic voice of Elisha made the Arameans to leave back the food, fodder and flock behind for the Israelites. Once the demons wander into our homes filled with prayer, praise and prophecy, they will lose reception to hell and do the reverse of what they were sent for!

Distress the destroyer and confuse the hellish reception and demonic security signals by your prophetical encrypts and transcripts.

2 Kings 7:7b They(Arameans) left the camp as it was and ran for their lives.

Prayer: Dear Lord, encrypt my vocabulary and words with divine prophetic transcripts of scriptures to confuse the reception of demonic utterances and uncertainties. Amen

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