08 April 2021 – Mind Over Matter – Part 7

Matthew 13:13 “Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.”

Mind over matter” is understanding with our heart and not just with the mind. Heart is the home of the Holy Spirit. Understanding the scriptures through our mind, is accumulating information and human analysis, whereas understanding with our heart is through divine revelation. The Pharisees whose heart was blinded and deafened by pride, prejudice and pompousness, were unable to discern the teaching of Jesus as they could not hear with their heart. Hearing with our physical ears will trigger our emotions and result in commotions whereas hearing with our spiritual ears will encourage, enthuse and enlighten our spirit.

For instance, when insults are hurled at us, our mind is messed by our surging emotions. If we are persecuted for our faith in Jesus Christ at a secular workplace, our mind will dampen  and damage our soul causing depression. However, when we listen with the ears of our spirit, the Holy Spirit will remind us, For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil (1 Peter 3:17). The ears of the soul is the mind but the ears of the spirit is the Holy Spirit. When our mind is fed by the spirit, we will not be controlled by the emotions that erupt like a volcano but will be calmed by the counsel of the Holy Spirit that gently flows from our heart.   

Disciplining our mind to submit and listen to the heart is simply, “mind over matter”:        

1.     Discern: The greatest battle in our mind is over the “truth”. Truth is God’s perspective in any matter. Truth is simply the counsel of God in the subject matter. Calm the storm in your mind and listen to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit who resides in your heart. Discernment is a spiritual gift; it does not come with smartness, skill or schooling. Discernment is disciplining to silence the rushing, reasoning rant of our mind and discerning God’s views, thoughts and perspectives.    

2.     Direct: The mind of man is stronger than the muscle. The ear gate of the mind receives direction from feelings and willpower. When the ear hears the alarm in the morning, the willpower refuses to wake up and the body feels its needs more rest. However, if the mind receives direction from the Holy Spirit, the soul will be awakened by the singing in the spirit. My soul yearns for you in the night; my spirit within me earnestly seeks you (Isaiah 26:9). Mind must be directed by the heart, not the heart by the mind.  

3.     Decide: Mind over matter is simply a decision to leap over the reality and trust in His sovereignty. No miracle can be received until the mind decides to stop listening to the directions, dissensions and detentions of the soul and start leaning on the inspiration, influence and insightfulness of the Holy Spirit. Both the soul (mind) and the Spirit (Holy Spirit) cannot give direction at the same time. The screaming of the soul will silence the Holy Spirit. So, “be still”, surrender and soak in the presence of the Lord to hear His decision on the matter.    

Mind over matter is simply a discipline of listening to God’s perspective in a matter and silencing the noise from our feelings and emotions.

Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks within himself, so he is. He says to you, “Eat and drink!” But his heart is not with you.

Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit, I submit to discipline myself not to be tossed and triggered by my mind but to be directed by you. Let your voice become louder than the noise of the world. Amen

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