11 April 2021 – Watchmen – Part 3

Psalms 127:1b Unless the Lord guards the city, The watchman keeps awake in vain.

The fortified walls of the city will not be protected unless the divine soldiers stand shoulder to shoulder with the city guards and watchmen. There are watchmen (prayer warriors) on the wall who pray out of anxiety, worry and fear; ritual, religiosity and routine. Yet while these watchmen are on the wall, the thief will invade and steal what belongs to them as there is no divine connection with their prayers and the Heavenly realm. Ineffective prayers will not protect our people, property or prosperity.

Torch is an essential gadget for a night watchman. When they walk and watch over the wall with a burning torch, the intruders will know the presence of the watchmen from afar. The number of light torches will indicate the number of watchmen on the wall. Unless the torches have oil to burn the fire, there is no use of holding onto the torch. Light is the word of God and the oil is the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The watchmen (prayer warriors) will toil, cry, lament and pray in vain unless there is Heavenly union in our prayer.  

Three essentials for a watchman:

1.     Torch: The presence of a watchman without a torch will be futile. He will not be able to see into the dark, neither will his presence be noticed. Keeping awake will be useless unless he is equipped to watch over the city. Our prayers without the Word of God will be inadequate. God does not want to hear about our complaints, laments and shopping list. He is already aware of what we are going through. He is fully aware of our sufferings, heart aches and pain. When we pray, we must learn to pray God’s mind over our issues. Prayers without the promises of God over our problems is pointless. Never go to prayer without the torch (scriptures).  

2.     Oil: Torch without oil (The Holy Spirit) would be senseless. Without the lubricant there is no light. We need the Holy Spirit to think through our mind and speak through our lips in prayers. If not, we would be speaking our views, perspectives and judgements over the issues. Such prayers are like a torch without oil. 1 Corinthians 2:10 God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. Anointed prayers speak the mind of God over our troubled situations and bring supernatural breakthroughs.

3.     Fire: Torch that is not lit is meaningless. Torch must be ignited with the fire of God. Worship initiates the spark of fire from Heaven. Never start praying without worship. In the “Lord’s prayer” Jesus taught us to start the prayer with worship. Leviticus 1:7 The priest shall put fire upon the altar. The Lord’s prayer is only a template; it must be customised to our requirement. As we hallow His name, the fire from Heaven will blaze our prayer and connect Heaven to earth.  

Praying all night will not bring the answers from Heaven. Some watchmen watch, wail and work in vain as they don’t carry the torch lit by the oil and fire from Heaven. Hold on to the word (the torch) and light it with the power of the Holy Spirit (the oil) to bring answers from eternity into the present reality.

Isaiah 27:3 “I, the Lord, am its keeper; So that no one will damage it, I guard it night and day.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, teach me to pray in spirit and in truth with the torch of your Word, the oil of the Holy Spirit, ignited by the fire from Heaven. Amen

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