12 April 2021 – Watchmen – Part 4

Matthew 26:41 “Watch and pray lest you enter into temptation. The Spirit is ready, but the body is weak.”

As Jesus was preparing to fulfill His mission and purpose, He took the disciples to the garden of Gethsemane to pray. As the night was closing in, Jesus told Peter, James and John, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation”. It is a lot more difficult to pray at night than in broad daylight. Spiritually, it is tough travailing and praying through a dark tormenting valley of uncertainty, ambiguity and indecision. Keeping a watch at night is the most difficult assignment of a night duty watchman. When everyone around is sleeping, resting and rejuvenating a night watchman is walking, working and watching. The enthusiasm during the long-lasting dark night of temptation is the most dangerous hours of theft, pilferage and damage. Hence watch and pray through the doubtful dark hour.     

Jesus warned us to stay awake and pray during the rough indecisive times simply because it is when the thief comes to steal and kill and destroy (John 10:10). What the devil cannot steal, he will kill and what he cannot kill, he will destroy. So, watch and pray over your marriage, money and ministry.  

Watch and pray to protect yourself from:

1.     Theft:  Devil, the deceiver is a thief who comes to steal our prosperity, piety and purity. Theft is a result of carelessness, recklessness and negligence. Prayerlessness is like leaving the front door open for the thief to walk in and steal the blessings. Prayerlessness will lead to careless spending, reckless habits and negligence to priorities and preferences. A wrong company that keeps you awake all night will cause tiredness and break your prayer routine. Watch and pray over your family, finances and friendships, lest you will be lured into temptation.

2.     Throttle: What the devil cannot steal, he will kill. The deceiver will kill our enthusiasm, throttle the energy and strangle our passion. Entertaining unwholesome conversations, interests and people will choke our vigour, ardour and vision. Devil cannot steal our calling or our ministry, as the gifts and calling are irrevocable but he will suffocate the fire, fervour and zest from us. Slackness in prayer will result in backsliding. Lack of spiritual energy is normally caused by physical business and artificial significance. When we become too involved, busy and buzzing with activity, there is no time to pray. Watch and pray to protect your vision, mission and commission, lest the devil will kill your dream.     

3.     Trample: What the devil cannot kill he will destroy.  When there is prayerlessness, the deceiver will destroy our unity, peace and marriage by bringing distractions, destructive ideas and relationships. When you lose your peace over a matter, mission or marriage, you can be rest assured that the destroying demons have a foothold in your life. Prayer tramples over snakes and scorpions and sabotages their snares, plans and plots. Personal prayer and family prayers set the alarm ‘on’ and startles the intruders from our territory, terrain and trajectory. Even if there is an argument, disharmony or dissonance in your home, never miss your family prayer. Family that prays together, stays together.  

Prayerlessness exposes our life to the threefold attacking schemes of the devil. So, watch and pray.

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, give me the spiritual wisdom to keep prayerlessness away from my life. Let not the tricks of the devil to steal my prosperity, kill my passion and destroy my purity. Amen

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