13 April 2021 – Watchmen – Part 5

Nehemiah 4:13 So I stationed men behind the lowest sections of the wall, at the vulnerable areas. I stationed them by families with their swords, spears, and bows.

Nehemiah was commissioned on a building project to rebuild the walls that were broken down by war and torn down by the enemy. As he grieved for his city that was exposed to intruders, invaders and imposters he was commissioned to reconstruct the walls. When he mobilized the remnant to start the dream development venture, there was opposition from the enemy. Nehemiah wisely, placed watchmen with swords, spears and bows in the vulnerable areas that were exposed to the prowlers.  

Prayer builds the broken walls and renovates the ruined fences and builds the strongholds of protection over our blessings. Prayer builds the invisible of protection around our dream and destiny. Nehemiah made a very vigilant move of stationing watchmen in the susceptible areas with weapons. Figuratively, in the spiritual realm, these are the areas of our weakness, previous failings and pitfalls of the past. The devil is fully aware of our weak points and will insidiously and relentlessly attack us to drag us back to the ditch.

Three ways to protect the endangered areas of our life:

1.     Sword: Watchmen with a sword are girded with the offensive weapon. If your weak point is lethargy, procrastination or addiction to substance, drinks or magazines, then use the Word of God as the sword to retaliate when persuaded by temptation. For example, when lured to go to a party which will entice you back to a wrong habit, then, use the word of God to overcome the temptation. Pick up the sword from (1 Corinthians 15:33) “Bad company corrupts good character” and repeat it over and over again until the temptation dies down.  Identify your weak areas, memorise appropriate Bible verses and retort to the enticements of the devil.

2.     Spear: Spear is a defensive weapon of a watchman to stop the advancement of the enemy. A spear is a prayer that sabotages the plan of the enemy. Praying into the future protecting, preserving and prophesying  symbolises the use of ‘spear prayers’. Pray over your health and prophesy long and healthy life. Pray that the pandemic, plague or panic can never enter your territory. Pray over the children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and into the generations that you might not even see.  An average spear can travel 10 meters or about 32 feet. Likewise, pray prophetically into the next 10 days, 10 months, 10 years, 10 decades, 10 centuries and into your legacy. Use the spear effectively and pray prophetic powerful prayers.   

3.     Bow: Watchman with bow and arrow can target the enemy and strike him on the head. As we pray, the Holy Spirit might reveal a certain issue or a problem. When we receive these signals from the Heavenly realm, it is time to take our bow and arrow and shoot the slithering problem down.  The powers of witchcraft, blackmagic and sorcery can be nullified, cancelled and reversed even before it is launched towards us.  Interrupt into the enemy’s secret closet, disrupt the curses and incapacitate the devices of the enemy by shooting him down with the arrow prayers.  

Fortify you weak, vulnerable and susceptible areas –  watch and pray.

Nehemiah 4:18 For the builders, everyone had his sword girded by his side.

Prayer: Dear Lord, empower my prayer time to invade into the enemy’s camp with the sword, Your Word, with the spear, bow and arrow and debilitate the enemy’s plans, plots and thoughts about me and my dear ones . Amen

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