14 April 2021 – Watchmen – Part 6

Isaiah 56:10 His watchmen are blind, All of them know nothing. All of them are mute dogs unable to bark, Dreamers lying down, who love to slumber.

The watchmen of an unguarded city are blind like watchdogs that are muted. They lie down and sleep making way for the enemy to encircle and encroach. These are slothful dreamers who love to sleep and slumber. Our lives and inheritance will be like these unguarded cities if there is no prayer in our homes.  Sluggishness and lethargy will lure us into spiritual slumber. We will miss the vision and mission for our lives and become spiritually blinded and sluggish if there is no prayer, petition and fasting in our lives. There will be no angelic protection and divine defence when there is no prayer.

Daniel was the watchman of Israel. The moment Daniel started praying, the Angel Gabriel was commanded to carry the answer, The moment you began praying, a command was given. And now I am here to tell you what it was, for you are very precious to God (Daniel 9:23). Angels are divine delivery agents who carry our prayers to Heaven and bring back the answers from Heaven. If there is no angelic moment in our homes, either there are no praying watchmen or our prayers are not in the divine vocabulary that angels can understand.   

Three essentials of divine vocabulary:

1.     Converse: Angels watch, listen and respond to the dialogue called prayer. Abraham was having a chat with God and the angels were listening to the conversation. As soon as Abraham and God agreed on the proposal regarding Sodom, the angels were released to complete their task. Genesis 18:33 When the Lord had finished speaking with Abraham… Genesis 19:1 The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening. Prayer time for Abraham was hanging out with God, having dinner with Him, discussing current issues and making executive decisions. Abraham was the watchman on the wall who prayed over his extended family (Lot) that had gone astray and saved their lives.  

2.     Cry: Tears of the innocent and cry of the oppressed is a dialect that catches the attention of Heaven. Hagar and her son were chased into the desert where she had no food or water to feed the child. God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from Heaven (Genesis 21:17). God hears our helpless cry. Be the watchman on the wall to cry for your children, cry for your dear ones and your nation. Our miracles will come only through our cry of desperation, when all human help and resources fail.    

3.     Commend:  Praise is the language that the angels understand. Psalms 103:20 His angels mighty in strength who carry out His word, who hearken to the voice of His command.  Heavens respond and connect to the lingo of praise almost immediately. Rather than complain, commend; rather than grieve, show an attitude of gratitude. It is our faith filled praise that ascends up to Heaven and fetches the answers from heaven. Such “praise with faith” will be credited as “high returns divine fixed-deposit” that will enrich us on earth and will reward us in Heaven.

Be the watchman on the wall, converse, cry out and commend. 

Habakkuk 2:1 I will stand on my guard post. And station myself on the rampart; And I will keep watch to see.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, make me a responsible watchman over my life and my family. Let my eyes not slumber and sleep when it must be watching and praying. Amen

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