29 April 2021 – Perfume – Part 7

Revelation 8:4 The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand.

During the Mosaic time, the profession of the “perfumer” was a sought after profession. The formula for the fragrant mix of incense was divinely downloaded to Moses. Exodus 30:34-35 the Lord said to Moses, “Take fragrant spices—gum resin, onycha and galbanum—and pure frankincense, all in equal amounts, 35 and make a fragrant blend of incense, the work of a perfumer. The perfumers had to combine the mixture together and then grind it into a fine power. Furthermore, the perfume mix must be salted and pure and sacred. The smoke of this aromatic mixture filled the tabernacle and the temple of the Lord. Prayers of the righteous are compared to the Smokey sweet incense fragrant incense that is burnt in the presence of the Lord.

Sincere, sacred and sanctified prayers of the “saints” are received by angels and are presented to the Lord in golden bowls. Revelation 5:8 Each one had a harp, and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. The definition of a “saint” is a person who has the assurance that his/her sins are forgiven and the certainty of acceptance and inheritance.

Prayers that are sweet, aromatic, fragrant incense before the Lord:

1.     Salted: Normally, salt is added as a preservative for food yet, salt is an important ingredient to the divine secret recipe of the fragrant spices. Salt does not ignite fire however, under high temperature, it gives a bright orange flame when the sodium is burnt. As salt adds flavour to food, adds colour to fire, salted prayer attracts the attention of Heaven. Unsalted prayers will be winging, grouching and complaining, whereas, prayers of a saint will be powerful, authoritative and bold that burns like copper colour attractive flame.    

2.     Sincere: In the divine formula for incense there is a special mention that frankincense must be “pure”. The first milky sap from the tree is impure and must be discarded, but further cutting a few weeks later produces a finer resin. Solid “tears” of this resin are then sold as frankincense. The aroma of the impure unrefined frankincense will emit a repulsive odour. Similarly, scented prayers from a sincere, holy and pure heart will be carefully carried by the angelic courier agents to Heaven. Insincere, unholy, impure, arrogant and astringent prayers are like unrefined frankincense and will be spilled and slipped from the hands of the angelic agents, between earth and Heaven.  

3.     Sacred: Aaron had two sons who burnt unauthorised, unholy and strange incense and they were consumed in the presence of the Lord. Only sacred prayers become incense, strange prayers become lethal and obnoxious. The incense becomes strange if it was not prescribed, essential or according to the scriptures. Any practice, pattern or philosophy that is contrary to God’s Word such as chanting, yoga meditation, shamanic magic charm or chimes are strange incense that will attract demonic and not the divine.  

Our prayers need not be superfluous, flamboyant and ostentatious but it must be salted (flavoured), sincere (pure) and sacred. Speak the language that the angels will understand when they come down for prayer collection everyday! 

Psalms 141:2 May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus make my prayers like a sweet incense that will reach the golden prayer bowls before your throne. May my life and my prayers smell like the sweet divine fragrance of Heaven.  Amen

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