02 May 2021 – Permutations & Combinations – Part 3

Judges 16:20 He awoke from his sleep and thought, “I’ll go out as before and shake myself free.” But he did not know that the Lord had left him.

If the order doesn’t matter then we have a combination, if the order matters then we have a permutation. One can say that a permutation is an ordered combination. The life of Samson was one of the most distressing biographies of the Bible. The truth is clearly articulated in all honesty and is a reminder and a lesson that spiritual gift that is not built on the foundation of Godly character will crumble. Samson is the strongest man recorded in the Bible. He plucked the iron gates of Gaza like tent pegs and carried it on his shoulders up on the mountainous road to Hebron, which was about 60 km away. God had given him incredible strength and power to defeat the enemies yet, instead of using the power to serve others, he misused the power to gratify his carnal weakness. Power without purity becomes abusive.

Before we desire power, influence and gifts we must lay the foundation of our character purity, holiness and humility. “A man without character cannot reign because power apart from character is satanic” – William Branhan. The combination of influence and strength before purity was the weight that blinded the vision of Samson. Godly permutation of character, honesty, purity and holiness is the foundation for goodly gifts, power and influence.   

The permutation for purity before power:

1.     Serve: Gifts, power and influence are given to serve others not to build a monument, pillar or name for ourselves. A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other (1 Corinthians 12:7). Before we desire the gift of miracles, healing or prophecy we must be filled with Godly compassion. Any ministry without love, compassion and benevolence will be tasteless as a meal without salt. As salt is invisible in the feast so must our service be to the flock of Christ. Adding the flavour of Christ selflessly without seeking significance or importance is Godly power backed with purity.

2.     Simple:Pride and power are a lethal combination. The end will be violently explosive, awfully humiliating and dreadfully damaging to their calling and those around them. Humility, meekness and simplicity are a daily discipline of obedience and obeisance to King Jesus. Both pride and humility are learnt behaviours, hence can be unlearnt and re-learnt. Grand castles of Christlikeness are built on the rudimentary foundations of humility and simplicity.  

3.     Sanctify: Sanctity is a daily process. Even an unused object collects dust from the environment around it. Unaware there could be deposits of thoughts, information or connotations that could form a layer of sediments on our soul. Self examination, surrender and submission every day will strengthen the foundation of purity.  Strength on the unsanctified soul of Samson blinded the vision and ultimately defeated the divine purpose. Sanctification is the process of cleaning the lenses of our glasses to see God’s purpose behind the power vested on us.

Build a strong foundation of Godly permutation of purity, holiness and piety with bricks of holiness set in the cement of humility, simplicity and sanctity.   

1 Thessalonians 4:3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality;

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, may the fruit of my life be the evidence of your power working through me. I consecrate my eyes, ears, mind and heart to purity, humility and sanctity.  Amen

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