07 May 2021 – Google – Part 1

Isaiah 34:16 Search and read the scroll of the LORD: Not one of these will be missing; None will lack its mate. For His mouth has commanded, And His Spirit has gathered them.

Google is the world’s most visited website. The 23 years old google website (created in 1998), is the most-searched term on Bing. Google has evolved as our first “go-to” when we are stuck. Even toddlers who only speak monosyllables know to manoeuvre their way on Google to find their favourite website. The noun Google was added as a verb ‘google’ to the Merriam-Webster dictionary in 2006, which defines it as “to use the Google search engine to obtain information on the World Wide Web“. In short ‘Google’ has morphed it’s meaning as “The search engine”, worldwide.

The Biblical, theological and ecclesiastical word for google is “search”. The Bible is not an outdated age old “Holy Writ” that is irrelevant to the present conditions and circumstances. The Holy Bible has answers to all our questions, all our problems and all our apprehensions. If we search the scriptures for answers as much as we research on Google, we will become wiser, smarter and sharper.

Three reasons to use “Scripture-Search” more than “Google-Search” when we face challenges, chaos and calamity:

1.     Relevant: God’s Word is relevant to the millennials as much as it was to the ancient prehistoric man. For instance, the antidote to the unprecedented pandemic and the antivirus to the indecipherable virus is in the ‘Living Word’. When the plague started in the camp of the Israelites, Aaron ran with the censer of incense into the camp to stop it.  He (Aaron) stood between the living and the dead, and the plague stopped (Numbers 16:48). Similarly, an end to this plague that is devouring and devastating our countries will come to an end only by the incense of prayer.

2.     Relative:God’s Word is pregnant with God’s perspective on any issue. Those who search His Word will be refreshed, revived and reassured under any pressing, pressurizing predicament. Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the LORD given to Jeremiah the prophet (Daniel 9:2). Daniel’s Bible study and research enlightened him about the times and seasons he was in. Studying or googling the scriptures will illuminate the dark valley we are in and bring sound understanding to our hearts. The Bible is packed with insights, information and revelations not only about the present times but also about the future. We can draw parallels and find remedies for any crisis from His Word.  

3.     Recalibrate: God’s Word is alive. When we dedicate time to read, search and diligently study the Scriptures, words from the black and white printed book will jump off the page to quicken our heart and revive our soul. Psalms 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. When struck down by doubt, disheartenment or discouragement, search and study the scriptures. Jesus is the Word, and His Word speaks, comforts, strengthens, corrects and refashions us. His Word will recalibrate our train of thoughts, perspective and tasks.     

Scripture is the most reliable, relevant, relative and recalibrating search engine for all our questions, doubts and deliberations. The answer to this plague, pandemic and lethal pestilence is hidden in the pages of the Scriptures.

Psalms 19:8 The LORD’s commandment is pure, enlightening the eyes.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to organise my day to dedicate time to search the Scriptures; Jesus quicken my heart with divine revelation; Holy Spirit open my spiritual eyes to see the depth of your Word.  Amen

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