17 May 2021 – History – Part 4

Luke 24:27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning Himself.

The disheartened disciples dispersed to their own towns after the crucifixion of Jesus. On the third day, after the resurrection of Jesus, Cleopas and another unnamed disciple were on the way to Emmaus, Jesus joined the journey and gave them a poignant sermon of the entire Old Testament. He took them through history and the narrative enlightened in their hearts. They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32). The historical, chronological and demographical collection of the Bible that was collated and compiled thousands of years ago will come to life and speak to our current situation if we allow the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of Jesus) to walk us through the scriptures.

We struggle to understand the depths of scriptures only because we try to do it on our own. Our eagerness to research the scriptures will be jaded if we use human intellect to comprehend it. The celestial cannot be grasped with the terrestrial wisdom. Only if we join hands with the Holy Spirit and allow Him to walk and talk through the scriptures, our spiritual eyes will be opened; if not, our Bible reading will only gain knowledge and will lack understanding.

Walking through the scriptures with the Holy Spirit:

1.     Live: If the pages of the Bible don’t come alive and burn in our hearts, it will only be like reading a history book. When you read the portion of Jesus carrying the cross to Calvary, allow the Holy Spirit to take you into the streets of Jerusalem and the road to Golgotha. Walking next to the battered Saviour, carrying the cross, will burn our hearts with the passion for sinners. The Bible is not an account of a dead Man Jesus. It is the Living Word, about a God who died for us but rose again and is seated on the throne as the King of Kings.     

2.     Liberate: The purpose behind the Book (The Bible) is to proclaim salvation to sinners, freedom from bondage and liberty to the captives. Salvation, freedom and liberty are not onetime dramatic occurrences. We were saved when we accepted Jesus, we are saved on a daily basis from falling back into sin, and we will be saved from the temptations in the future. Similarly, we were freed and liberated, we are being freed and liberated every day and we will be freed and liberated in future until we reach Heaven. The freedom and liberation are fuelled and flamed by reading and understanding the Word with the help of the Helper, the Holy Spirit.   

3.     License: The principle behind the written Word of God is to license, authorise and empower us to combat temptation, accusations and derisionWhen we read the Word with the help of the Author, He will explain the depth of each clause, phrase and paragraph in the Bible. He will highlight lines, suffix and prefix to elucidate the reasons, causes and actions.  

Before you open the Bible, pray and seek the help of the Holy Spirit to teach, coach and expound His Word. Jump into the Word, and walk through the pages of scripture to delve into spiritual depths.

John 14:26 The Spirit will teach you everything.

Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit, as I read the Bible help me to live through scriptures and understand the text, context and subtext. Amen

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