25 May 2021 – Shadow – Part 5

Jonah 4:6 Then the Lord God provided a leafy plant and made it grow up over Jonah to give shade for his head to ease his discomfort, and Jonah was very happy about the plant.

Jonah was sent to preach repentance and revival  to the city of Nineveh which is modern day Iraq. Nineveh was the ancient city of Assyrians who were a threat and a snare to Israel. Assyrians were ruthless in the way they treated their captives. They were the ones who invented the gruesome death of crucifixion which was perfected by the Romans. Jonah did not want to see the wicked city of Nineveh repent and for God to relent from His wrath.  Hence Jonah preached a half hearted sermon about the fierce anger of the Lord and sat down under a shelter to see the destruction of the city. God made a leafy shady plant grow to provide him temporary shade that delighted the heart of Jonah. The next day He allowed a worm to chew up the plant to teach Jonah a profound spiritual lesson. Jonah became very angry, astringent and annoyed with God for both being merciful to Nineveh and for wilting the verdant plant that gave him shade from the desert sun.

In the journey of life, God will provide temporary shades such as relationships, partnerships or mentorships. Most of these associations are to accomplish a mission. If we try to turn temporary shades to permanent shelters, we will fail miserably, be hurt terribly or get stuck indefinitely.

Temporary shades:

1.     Worm: Have you ever tried hard to preserve a relationship that stood with you in a time of need but no matter how hard you tried they either remained static or moved away? These are just temporary shades that were provided to fulfil an assignment or complete a mission. If we don’t let it go and try to force-build that relationship, God will send a tiny worm, a silly issue or a sweltering unease to wilt the relationship. The worm that wanes the leafy shade is a reminder that God is the only permanent shelter.

2.     Wither: Have you tried to make a partnership work and see it withering away? Temporary shades are built to serve for short periods of time. What we think will help us to flourish could actually be a hindrance for our progress. There are places, people or preferences that the Lord will remove from our life as those partnerships might be a stumbling block for our growth.      

3.     Wean: Weaning is unpleasant for an infant but essential for the holistic development of the child. Jonah sat under the withered plant and complained. God sent the scorching east wind and the sun blazed on Jonah’s bald head. If we get stuck under a temporary shade, God might have to force us out of a courtyard with some sunburns. The boss who makes us uncomfortable, the scoffer in the fellowship or the critics in a company are the scorching blazes that God uses to wean us out of our temporary shades to keep growing, climbing and venturing. 

Temporary shades are only gazebos that will be blown away. Don’t settle for the temporary shades but strive to remain under the permanent shelter of the most high God. 

Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You are the immovable, unshakable and impenetrable shelter. You are the “source” of all blessings. Let me never try to turn the “means” into a “source” of permanent shelter. Amen

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