29 May 2021 – Tests – Part 2

James 1:3-4 Testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Tests are inevitable for progression. To receive a driving licence we must pass the driving test. In preparation to a driving test we must practice driving techniques and skills to drive safely and carefully. Furthermore we must be thorough with the traffic guidelines and rule book. Ignorance of law is no excuse. If rules are violated out of sheer ignorance we will still be fined. Hence, before the driving licence is granted both theoretical and practical knowledge and expertise will be methodically checked and validated. Learners must drive for a number of months under supervision before they can receive their full driving licence.

Similarly, our faith will be tested to produce perseverance. Patient learning of God’s word and applying the  theoretical knowledge to find practical solutions will mature our faith. Testing can make us bitter if we are impatient but will make us better if we are perseverant. Neuroscientists say that our brain has an in-built “Velcro-Teflon” negative bias. The bad sticks like Velcro and the good slips away like Teflon. This is why we remember bad collusion, nasty comments or traumatic childhood mishaps much longer than we remember the positive and pleasant events. It takes five positive experiences to negate one negative distress. The Velcro-Teflon ratio is 5:1. The trauma of an accident sticks like Velcro whereas the pleasant trips are jaded like Teflon.  The Velcro-Teflon theory must be consciously reversed when we are tested with family, finance and friends.

Three “don’ts”  to reverse the Velcro-Teflon effect on our soul when we go through trials and tests:   

1.     Don’t Blame God: When something goes wrong, it’s easy to blame God. God seldom gets any credit for the advancements, prosperity or sunshine but He is blamed for the evil, epidemic and emasculated ethos. In this blame-game the stones that we throw at God, fall over our own fence, building a wall of offence blocking our view of His Goodness. Testing is God’s gravity to pull us to the next realm of maturity and to peel the Velcro of unforgiveness, hostility and sullenness.

2.     Don’t Blame People:  Blaming people grows bitterness and regurgitates resentment. We know that our battle is not with the fault finding boss, crafty colleague or the gossiping family member. Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood. It is against the powers of the darkness and the spiritual forces of evil. Our fierce fury and frenzy against people will fuel the dark world and feed the evil forces to reinforce wrongness and wickedness. Testing rips the Velcro of anger and animosity against people and empowers us to fight against the evil forces.

3.     Don’t Blame Yourself: The most difficult struggle that many face is self-condemnation. Many are stuck as they have lock themselves behind the critical doors of self-blame. Until you stop blaming and become positively self-critical you are not going to move forward. Testing must inculcate valuable positive lessons and get rid of negativity, criticism and blame.    

The purpose of testing is to reverse the negative bias of the ‘Velcro-Teflon’ effect in the brain. In God’s training school, if we fail the test of eliminating culpability, condemnation and complaining, we just have to keep repeating it until we pass.  

Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, give me the diligence to pursue Godliness, Holiness and Perseverance when I am tested to grow, flourish and mature in my faith. Amen

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