06 June 2021 – Bad Boys – Part 3

Jeremiah 31:29 ‘The parents have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge.’

One of the sobering truths is that sins, transgressions and iniquities do not stop with affecting us. Just as genetics are transmitted through the bloodline, generational curses are passed on as well. Generational curse is the consequence of calculated, repeated and premeditated misdeeds of the past. The above verse is a common Hebraism(Hebrew idiom) that when the parents eat sour grapes, the children suffer from sensitive teeth!. Tooth sensitivity is caused by erosion of the porous tissues exposing the nerves. The consequence of repetitive sins and careless living exposes our generations to the attack of the enemy.

Abraham was intimidated by the Egyptians and hence blurted a ‘white lie’ that his wife Sarah was his sister. Isaac did the same when he moved to Gerar. The Philistines enquired about his wife Rebecca and he blatantly spewed a ‘big black lie’ that she was his sister. Consequently Isaac gave birth to a son Jacob who was not just a liar but a cutthroat deceiver. Jacob’s lying career started with his brother when he deceived the birthright and blessings of his brother Esau. His craftiness continued with his uncle Laban. What a man sows he will also reap. Hence the seeds of lies and deception birthed bitter fruits. Jacob’s father-in-law Laban cheated him of his wealth and his wives. What goes around will come around. This world is corrupt, canny and corroded with repetitive sin, lies, lust and licentiousness. The vicious circle of sin is the cause of curse.

Three steps to break the vicious circle of sin and curse:   

1.     Struggle: Step one is to recognise that there is a behavioural, characteristic or generational baggage that has to be renounced and denounced. If we face the same struggle with friends, finance and fear over and over again, there must be baggage that we are carrying from the past. Jacob ran away from his home after lying to his father and stealing from his brother; consequently he had to run away from his father-in-law due to bias, favouritism and oppression. It was only when the bad boy Jacob realised that he was running around the vicious circle of generational curse did he strive to break it. Repeated patterns of accidents, incidence and curses must be broken by travailing prayer and fasting.     

2.     Strike: Sin that grows into transgressions (sinful habits) becomes iniquities (wilful sin) and builds  strongholds which will keep us stuck and will arrest movements. These are demonic strongholds that can be trashed only by battling and baffling the dark controlling spirits. The illegal occupants of the dark world will leave only by wrestling and fighting. As we use law enforcement to evacuate illegitimate tenants we must annihilate the controlling and constricting curses. The weapons to strike strongholds and break generational curses are the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus and the Word of God.

3.     Stifle: To keep the smirks of sin and satan from re-entering our lives we must suffocate any traces of sin, connection, memories, phone calls, photographs, posts, gifts, arts etc that will reopen the door to the demonic. Jacob wrestled with the Angel of the Lord until the clutch of curse was broken away from his family line.

Coat your corroded sensitive tooth with scriptures. If there was hope for the bad boy Jacob – the liars, deceiver and fraud, there is hope for you and me.

Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, set me free from genetic disorders and generational curses as all my generational curses and condemnations are nailed on the cross.  Amen

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