12 June 2021 – Peek into Heaven – Part 2

Psalms 139:2b You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.

There is a supernatural acoustic-signal-energy in Heaven that blasts our “thoughts” on loudspeakers in Heaven. All our thoughts, good, bad, pretty and ugly explode as echoes in Heaven! We can hide nothing from God – while we are thinking, God is listening. He knows what the creepy psychics, astrologers and mind-readers cannot read. When we pray and our thoughts go wandering, Heaven will only hear our gallivanting thoughts, not the words of our mouth. Google attempts to read our mind by using logarithms to chart patterns of our frequent searches, purchases and repeated reactions to predict the music we enjoy, food we fancy and our favourite holiday stops. But Google only knows our past; God knows our future.

After the prodigal son had swindled his father’s property in drinks, drugs and dancing clubs, he came to a point of realisation. “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! (Luke 15:17). The prodigal was in the company of pigs, not in a church, when he had these bright thoughts of repentance but the voiceprints of his heart were broadcasted through the amplifiers in Heaven. Immediately angelic messengers were sent to the father to prepare his heart for the arrival of his lost son.     

Our thoughts activate the angelic:

1.     Electricity: Our thoughts move like electric energy and ignites the conversation between our soul and the supernatural. Thoughts are like wireless bandwidth connection with Heaven. When we ruminate damaging, destructive or demeaning thoughts, our deliberations are decoded by the Heavenly realm. The Holy Spirit responds in a still small voice to change the negativity into positivity. When we are drowning in the pit of self-pity, a good friend will call to cheer us up. We will turn on the TV and hear a powerful word of knowledge which would be the answer to our perplexity. These are not accidents but electric transmissions from Heaven that are tuned-in into the brain waves of our mind.     

2.     Excitement: Repentance in our heart  excites Heaven. Luke 15:7 I say to you that there shall be joy like this in Heaven over one sinner who returns home.  When the prodigal made a decision to relent his wicked ways and wayward living there was a party in Heaven. We are unsure how long it took for the prodigal to walk back to his father’s house, but much before the father prepared to have a celebration there was a carnival in Heaven. Every right decision to repent, forgive, love, humble and obey, is celebrated in Heaven.

3.     Energy: Heaven is a place full of exhilaration, energy and enjoyment. It will be bursting with activities that are activated by prayer, repentance, resolution. The same energy of Heaven will invade us when we allow godly thoughts to control our lives. When our thoughts are Christ centric and energised by  whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8), Heaven will invade our hearts, homes and heritage.

If we take a peek into the Heavenlies we will hear our thoughts on loudspeakers and we will never entertain ugly obnoxious or ostentatious thoughts.

Psalms 139:4 Before a word is on my tongue you, LORD, know it completely.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I surrender my thoughts, secret desires, wants, anticipations, anxiousness and apprehensions  to you. Make my thoughts true, noble, right , pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. Amen

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