28 June 2021 – Pets & Predators – Part 4

1 Kings 17:6 The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook.

Ravens are both predators and scavengers and they eat just about anything. They eat road-kills and the flesh of dead animals. Their diet includes mice, lizards, small birds, snakes, insects, frogs, snakes, corn, rodents, grains, worms, berries, eggs and nestlings of other birds. Ravens can also be described as selfish, greedy and tricksters who cannot be trusted. There are over 579 species of birds in Israel and could have been more during the time of Elijah, however, God chose the ravens to feed Elijah with bread and beef faithfully twice a day.

The raven’s restaurant did not miss delivering a meal everyday with freshly baked bread and medium rare steak! This is the most unlikely behaviour pattern of this stingy, greedy stealing scavenger bird. However, research has also proved that common ravens are one of the world’s smartest birds. At the command of the Creator the scavengers became the suppliers and the predators became the providers to Prophet Elijah.

Three lessons from the predator that turned into a provider:

1.     Unimaginable: The scavenger bird was created to clean the environment hence their delicacies are the carcass, corpse and cadaver. The Lord God, cleansed the beaks that pecked on the rats to dish up a fresh healthy meal to Elijah. When our eyes are fixed on the Provider, the source of all blessings, God will even use scavengers to become suppliers. Mark 12:11 This was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? When King Jesus is on the throne of our life, the unimaginable resources will become our source .

2.     Uncommon: It is uncommon for ravens to share food. Ravens habitually hide food to eat later, and make sure they aren’t seen by rivals who might steal their cache. God used these greedy birds to dutifully share food with Elijah. God will open divine reservoirs, unexpected reserves and uncommon ravines for those who trust in Him. He will change the innate natures of the selfish scavengers into selfless suppliers. Psalm 86:10 For you are great and do marvellous deeds; you alone are God.

3.     Impossible: Remember this was in the middle of a severe famine when food was scarce but the divine supply for Elijah did not stop. The Bible does not say where and how the ravens found bread and meat but the supply was always on time. All that Elijah had to do was to trust and obey. Our involvement to receive the impossible miracles is more often just to trust and obey. Jeremiah 32:27  I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? If it was possible for God to direct the ravenous ravens to feed Elijah, God can do the impossible for you and me.  

The Lord God transformed the scavengers and predators to become the divine chefs and servers to His prophet. He is the God who still does the unimaginable, uncommon and impossible miracles to those who put their trust in Him.

Ephesians 3:20 Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.

Prayer: King Jesus, You are the Lord of all the universe and You do great and unimaginable things that I cannot fathom. Teach me to trust and wait for your hand to supply all my needs. Amen

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