03 July 2021 – Secrets – Part 2

1 Samuel 18:9 And Saul was jealous and did not trust David from that day on. The next day an ugly mood was sent by God to afflict Saul, who became quite beside himself, raving (1 Samuel 18:10 MSG).

Jealousy will sever the hamstring of relationships. Envy is like gangrene. Gangrene is a localised death and decomposition of body tissues. It can lead to serious complications if it’s not treated immediately. Bacteria can spread quickly to other tissues and organs resulting in amputations or death. As gangrene is a medical emergency to the physical body, envy is a nasty, menacing infection to the soul. It is a condition that leads to spiritual death that kills the tenderness of the heart causing dysfunction, decay and disconnection between our words and action. As iron is eaten by rust so are the envious consumed by envy.  

It was at the crescendo of the celebration of David slaying the giant with a piece of rock and a rag that contempt contaminated the heart of  Saul. King Saul wallowed in the slimy scum until it soaked right into his soul and corrupted his character. We see that the very next day, the spirit of envy invited its other sibling namely, sulkiness, irritability, irrational behaviour, rage, rant and rave to cloud Saul’s soul!  Jealousy is a natural reaction when we see others being blessed with something that we have been desiring for, but if it is not rejected and replaced with love, it can cause serious soul infections and alter our personality. Envy is not a character trait but a learnt compulsive behaviour.  

Three causes, effects and remedies for envy that sneaks into the soul:

1.     Dissent: Envy causes discord, disagreement and dispute. Agitation is only the effect of the underlying condition of jealousy. The jealous are troublesome to others but torment themselves. Don’t argue or convince the agitated opponent. Let God deal with it. The simple reason for Saul’s hatred towards David was jealousy. 1 Samuel 24:6 May I never lift my hand against him, since he is the LORD’s anointed. David remained faithful to him until God stepped down to vindicate David. Let God vindicate.  

2.     Divisive: Envy causes hostility between people. Envious are talebearers, gossipers and slanderers. Titus 3:10 Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them. David had two opportunities to kill King Saul but he not only spared Saul but also appealed for reconciliation. Saul was rotting on the inside with envy so, the counsel of David only reached his ears, as his heart was already callous, cold and dead. After warning a divisive(troublesome) person stay away and wait for the Lord to castigate the envious. Let the Lord reprimand.

3.     Destructive: Envy cripples the hamstring of relationships and breaks bonds. Like gangrene it incapacitates, amputates or kills love. You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars – Gary Allen. King Saul’s jealousy steadily morphed his responsibilities of a prestigious prince and turned him into a ravaging beast. He hunted all his life to slaughter David and had a pathetic end. The furious frenzy of the envious will ultimately consume them. So, step back and let God fight your battle.           

Hidden secrets of envy will disable the hamstrings of relationships and destroy destinies.

Job 5:2 For anger kills a fool, and jealousy slays the gullible.

Prayer: King Jesus, keep me from the culpability of greed, envy and contempt. Godliness with content is great gain. Amen

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