08 July 2021 – Secrets – Part 7

Daniel 2:22 “It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, And the light dwells with Him.

 “There are two kinds of secrets, those we keep from others and we hide from ourselves” – Frank Warren; but there is a third kind of secret called “Godly whispers” stored for those who diligently seek Him. Hidden things of God are divine revelations of Godly wisdom, thoughts and discernment. The secrets that we hide from others, destroy us but the secrets of God, elevate us. Daniel, an exile, was promoted to a powerful position in a pagan kingdom, as he had the secrets of God hidden in his heart.

There is a thirst about the hidden mysteries of God in every man. This includes atheists, agnostics, antagonists and anthropologists. Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has also set eternity in the hearts of men. The profound secrets of God are downloaded to those who diligently seek Him. Psalm 25:14a The LORD confides in those who fear Him.

Daniel was a bright young Israelite exile who was being educated in the Babylonian university. Part of the education was to brainwash them with the lush, luxury and licentiousness. This young teenager who was snatched away from the safety of his traditional Jewish home was exposed to the ostentatious  opulence, and affluence, yet he did not allow the Babylonian fantasies to influence his purity. Hence the Lord revealed divine dreams and deep secrets to him that educated, enlightened and enthused the royalty and the elite.   

Three clandestine to God’s divine treasure chest:

1.     DiligenceDiligence is an authentic hunger for God. Our Heavenly Father loves to give gifts to His children who diligently seek Him.  We don’t seek Him for the gifts but the “gifts of divine secrets”, prophecy, word of wisdom and knowledge are lavished on those who seamlessly love Him. Hebrews 11:6 He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Gifts of divine secrets are only for those who diligently seek Him, not for those who make SOS calls during times of dire and desperate need.  Daniel’s diligent and disciplined prayer life drenched him with divine secrets.      

2.     DiscretionDiscretion is God’s judgment. Proverbs 2:11 Discretion will guard you. The envious enemies of Daniel were deviously trying to downgrade him yet, they could find no occasion nor fault, inasmuch as he was faithful; neither was there any error or fault found in him (Daniel 6:4b). Fear of man can steal our discretion and judgement. Daniel was more aware of the presence of God around him than the ravenous rivals. Daniel’s sensitivity to God kept his divine discretion receptive. 

3.     DiscernmentDiscernment can be best understood as God’s thoughts.  Even the most powerful king or his ruthless rule did not minimize the image of God’s potent in Daniel. Daniel had to make a decision either to go down into the lion’s den or to go down on his knees to seek God. The divine discernment in his heart chose to bow down to the King of Kings. Daniel’s decision was the secret to divine discernment.   

Divine secrets are for those who befriend God. The hamstring of disciplined and diligent prayer life will keep the senses of discretion and discernment sharp to divine secrets.

Matthew 11:25b You have hidden these things from the wise and clever and learned, and revealed them to babies [to the childish, untaught, and unskilled].  

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I commit to purity and disciplined prayer life. Use me like Daniel to reveal divine secrets in this dark world. Amen

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