09 July 2021 – Back-story – Part 1

Hebrews 4:2 For good news came to us just as to them, but the message they heard did not benefit them, because they were not united by faith with those who listened.

The back-story of the cuddly teddy bear is very impressive. The teddy bear is named after U.S. President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt. In 1902, President Roosevelt participated in a bear-hunting trip in Mississippi. While hunting, Roosevelt declared the behaviour of the other hunters “unsportsmanlike” after he refused to kill a bear they had captured. Teddy soon became his mascot when he ran for re-election.

The truth behind teddy automatically accentuates our emotions towards the kind hearted President Roosevelt.  Similarly, understanding the back-story of the text in the Bible will surge faith to mix with spiritual understanding and sink us into the unconditional love for our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Only if we understand the text in the context we will be able to relate it to our current day challenges, contentions and contradictions. There are no irrelevant details in the Bible – but text without context is only a pretext. Reading the text in the context and marinating it with faith will unpack the surreal of the scriptures.

The back-story is as important as the main story:

1.    Context: During the hunting expedition, Roosevelt’s assistant cornered and tied a black bear to a willow tree for the President to shoot but he refused to shoot the bear. Roosevelt refused to shoot as he saw it as a trapped helpless animal and not as a wild predator. The image of the wild bear has permanently changed in our mind because of one kind act of this noble man. Bears are more closely integrated to the cuddly teddy or a comfort toy than an untamed animal in the wild. Understanding the context of the text will make it relevant, application oriented and admirable.       

2.     Culture: Hunter’s go on an expedition to hunt but Roosevelt reversed the hunting culture hence was noticed, discussed and publicized. Many Bible passages are based on the cultural context. Even if the practical application might not be relevant to us today, the spiritual application will be pertinent as long as the earth exists. For example,  Daniel knelt down and faced towards Jerusalem and prayed three times. Though it might sound ritualistic, this distinguished him above the others in a pagan kingdom. The spiritual lesson is loud and clear. The priority, paradigm and posture of prayer reverses the carnal culture and creates the celestial climate around us.    

3.     Condition:The fact remains that Roosevelt was still a hunter. He only refused to hunt a helpless animal. The circumstance, caveat and conditions are crucial to understand the message of the passage.  Paul, who opposed the practice of Jewish customs by the Jewish Christians circumcised Timothy so he could accompany him into the Jewish territory. To minimise contradictions and make their way into the synagogues Paul circumcised Timothy. The relevance of the text today can be seen in the life of the Australian Missionary Gladys Stains who goes around the world, preaching the gospel in a traditional Indian saree. She drapes her burden in her heart for India with the saree around her.   

Text without context will only be a pretext. So understanding the back-story is crucial for spiritual enlightenment.

Isaiah 44:18 Their eyes are plastered over so they cannot see, and their minds closed so they cannot understand.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I need divine understanding to comprehend to delve deeper into the truth of your Word. Enlighten my heart and illuminate my mind. Amen

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