18 July 2021 – Small is Big – Part 3

Matthew 25:15 To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability.

A tiny branded Gucci purse will be four times the price of a big flashy handbag with sparkles and crystals. The intrinsic value and worth of the product is not in the size but it’s brand name. Similarly we are all made  in the image of God. Our value is not in our bank balance or our boat but in the divine brand equity in Jesus. Many times we are carried away by the outward fancy flamboyant frills but fail to realise the hidden potential in us. We are stamped with the trademark of Godliness and hallmarked for divine destiny. Comparison kills the comprehension of divine purpose, place and potent.

In the parable of the talents, (Matthew 25:14-30) Jesus talks about three servants who received a certain sum of money as a gift from the Master. The first one servant received five talents, the second received two and the third one talent (piece of gold). The measure of one talent is on an average 33kgs. The current spot price of one kg gold is $58,179USD. Which means, the third servant received an equivalent of $1,919,894,46USD! The third recipient was indignant as he compared his gift with the others which made him impudent. While the other two invested their talents, the third servant buried it. The Master gave to each according to his ability. Comparison distracts, diverts and destroys divine destinies. We have everything that we need to achieve our God given purpose. 1 Timothy 6:6 But Godliness with contentment is great gain.

You have what you need:

1.   Wealth: Wealth is valuable only in the hands of those who have discovered it. Pot of gold buried in your backyard does not make you wealthy; only digging, discovering and deploying will make you rich. Gifting that is dormant is self-destructiveWhen we stop complaining about the gifts that we don’t have and start cherishing the talents we have, we will waft towards victory. Wealth is man’s capacity to think and the energy to turn ideas into action.  

2.   Worth: Our worth is not in our bank balance, shares, property, goods or gold. Significance is not measured in by money, assets or properties we accumulate; it is the influence and the legacy that we leave behind. Success is when I add value to myself but significance is when I add value to others – John C Maxwell. Our worth and value is enhanced when we buckle our ability into God’s authority to attain divine permeability (influence). Worth is measured by our influence and impact on others.   

3.   Will: The promises in God’s Word are like a blank cheque to those who are born-again or adopted into the family of Jesus Christ. The Bible is a writ and a will. It is a legal document to legitimate children of God. The extent to which you exercise your legal rights is the degree to which you can enjoy the possessions. There is no limit to God’s resources. The limitation is in our own thinking, understanding and response. Our wealth and our worth are hidden in the “will” – the Word of God.

Small is big when viewed through the binoculars of divine purpose.  

Psalm 115:11 He will bless those who fear the LORD– small and great alike.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I realise that I have all the talents and treasures that I need to fulfil my divine purpose. Help me not to complain or compare but to live a life of contentment. Amen.

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