19 July 2021 – Small is Big – Part 4

1 Kings 19: That night the angel of the Lord went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp.

One is too many in God’s military brigade. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Art of the First Cities lists the research from Dr. Ira Spar, the Research Assyriologist, which includes the  Annals of Sennacherib, in Baked Clay from Assyria, Nineveh (Neo-Assyrian, 694B.C). There was a nasty attack on Judah in the year 701B.C. Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, laid siege to the city of Jerusalem. The messenger of Assyria intimidated King Hezekiah, insulted the God of Israel and insinuated doomed defeat on the people of Judah. He warned the people not to put their confidence in the empty words of King Hezekiah or the God of Israel. The Lord God retaliated the ridicule of the Assyrian King by obliterating 185,000 violent Assyrian soldiers with just one angel from the Angelic Army.

The discovery of the baked brick is the evidence of the power of One Angel. The detractor, Sennacherib, invaded Judah with a massive troop and returned back alone to Nineveh. The voice of the enemy today will be like that of the defamatory military field commander of Assyria. Retort the enemy’s abuse with the voice of victory

– “One is too many” in the army of God.

1.   Confidence: When the voice in your head ridicules your confidence in the Lord, it is the voice of the enemy. 2 Kings 19:19 “‘This is what the great king, the king of Assyria, says: On what are you basing this confidence of yours? If the enemy can steal your confidence he has already defeated you. The malign mockery of the smug will be “Is God listening to your cry? Does He even care?”. Do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded (Hebrews 10:35). Don’t entertain the negative voice but defeat it with praise and proclaim “One angel of the Lord is too many to defeat the enemy’s army”.

2.   Creed: The voice in your head will challenge your creed. The caveat that rules your core belief will be confronted when you go through a crisis. Is the word of God relevant to us today? Is it true, Is there evidence or is it just an ancient fallacy and fables? What is the use of your righteous lifestyle? Snap the voice of the demons that challenge God’s authenticity and authority. One defending angel is too many for the multitude of the demonic forces that attack us.  

3.   Counsel: The voice in your head will question your counsel. In times of calamity a spirit of confusion will try to invade your mind.  Do not let the god you depend on deceive you (1 Kings 19:10). The enemy will talk about the defeats of others. When you are confused, fast. Fasting and praying will drive out the spirit of clamour and fasten us to the truth. King Hezekiah humbled himself in fasting and prayer and the Lord sent one angel to annihilate the enemy’s mighty army. Fasting sharpens our hearing to hear the Heavenly voice one is too many. 

One is too many in the army of the Almighty God. All we need is one angel to destroy the demonic intrusion.  

Isaiah 59:19b When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.

Prayer: Father God, you are my divine defender. One angel is more than enough to defeat the throngs of demons that come against me. One is too many. Amen.

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