23 July 2021 – Mastermind – Part 1

Philippians 2:5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus

A recent study has concluded that a normal person has from about 6,000 to 6,200 thoughts a day!  The brain is the body’s most complex organ. The brain is the central processing unit and the rest of the nervous system is like the network that relays back and forth from the brain to the different body parts. The brain controls the functionality of a person. Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh within himself, so is he.

Thinkers can be broadly divided into positive or pessimistic thinkers; analytical or abstract thinkers; convergent or divergent thinkers; reflective or deflective thinkers and so on. Thinking patterns form habits and build our personality and character. We are not born as optimists or pessimists. Positive or negative thinking results from a repetitive, habitual and cognitive pattern of thinking. It is a learnt habit! What is learnt can be unlearnt, corrected and coordinated (reorganised). To have the mind of Christ our thoughts must be aligned to the mindset and attitude of Christ Jesus.

Chemical reactions behind Positive or Negative Thinkers:

1.   Connect: The past has a profound effect on our positive or negative thinking. Our mind connects the current to the past – happy or sad, enjoyable or detestable, celebrated or regretted moments, incidents, dialogues and people. Since this powerful mind machine is capable of connecting and coordinating, it is imperative to declutter the memory of unproductive, destructive and disparaging thoughts. Positive thinkers consciously disconnect themselves from the painful past. Negative people reconnect the present to the past and inflate, inflict and subconsciously intensify the pain. Stop repeating or recollecting the past over and over again. Replace negative thoughts with the promises of God for your future.

2.   Correct: To correct our thinking our perspective must be changed. An abusive childhood, an unforeseen mishap or a lost opportunity cannot be changed but our meditation about the incident can be corrected. If you can’t change your circumstance, change your perspective. Sometime life hits you in the head with a brick…don’t lose faith – Steve Jobs. Life is too short to be wasted in regret. Forgive, forget and let go. Regret will imprison us to the past but forgiveness will release us into freedom and a flourishing future. Reverse negative thoughts with positive perspectives.

3.   Congruent(Harmonious): Most importantly, we must sense-check if our prayers and our mediations are congruent. If we pray bold prayers yet wait for misfortune to be lurking around the next bend, our prayers are incongruent to the promises of God. Mismatch in our belief system will corrupt our thinking. Negative thinking invites negative energy. As decaying bodies invite insects and pests, negative thinking invites demons and demonic activity.  Fear, frustration or frenzy releases bad odour of death and decomposition which attracts the demons of hatred, bitterness and resentment. Renew your mind in surrender and submission to synchronize your thoughts with the mind of Christ.

Negative thinking must be unlearnt. Relearn, renew and realign your thoughts to reflect the mind of Christ. Seek the help of the Holy Spirit, fast, pray and refresh yourself with the Word of God.

To become a mastermind we need the mindset of the Master’s mind.  

2 Corinthians 2:16 We understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, I surrender my mind and my meditation. Help me to capture my thoughts and align them to your powerful promises. Give me the strength to destroy negative, pessimistic and destructive  thought patterns.   Amen.

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