24 July 2021 – Mastermind – Part 2

1 Peter 1:13 Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

‘Abstract thinkers’ unlike ‘analytical thinkers’ glide on imaginations. They are normally criticised as “wishful thinkers” who cruise on empty space and fancy fallacies and fables. Abstract thinking is not “think it and have it  -positive thinking”. Abstract thinking is intelligent thinking outside the box of concrete facts that are already well set in stone. Abstract thinkers can’t help but think about how everything relates to the bigger picture. Contrary to concrete thinkers and analytical thinkers, who restrict themselves to facts and formulas, abstract thinkers use imagination to convert concepts into reality by aesthetic thinking.  Abstract thinking of “flying” as a mode of alternate transportation when movement was restricted to road and sea that led to the discovery of the aviation and aeronautic industry. Abstract thinking motioned the Wright Brothers to build an aircraft.  

Both abstract and analytical thinking are essential to grow in faith. Abstract thinking brightens the promise and analytical thinking deciphers the path. Abstract thinking gives a form and substance to our faith and analytical thinking gives movement,  discipline and direction to our thoughts. If we stop with just abstract thinking, the imaginations will dissipate into thin air. It must be backed up with analytical thinking and a concrete discipline of prayer, fasting and methodical study of the Word of God to open doors of favour.   

Decoding our thoughts and growing in faith:

1.   Ambition: At any stage in life we must have ambitions. Ambitions must never die until we die. Dissect your thoughts to separate the fruitful from the futile. In other words, “think about what you’re thinking about”.  Recent studies have concluded that we talk to ourselves at least once every one hour. It would have quadrupled with quarantine and lockdown! Think about your goals, visions and ambitions at least four times a day. A man is no bigger than his ambitions. Analyse if your spiritual vision ties up to your career ambition. Speak the abstract ambition into being in faith and work towards it.

2.   Accredit: Analyse the abstract, to accredit it. Check if your aspirations are grounded on God’s plan and purpose for your life. All our aspirations, ambitions and anticipations must be anchored to the Word of God. Any abstract imagination that does not tie up with God’s plan and purpose will be jaded with the pressures and challenges of life. Only Godly ambitions will stand. Accredit your social, secular and spiritual aspirations with the plan and Word of God.

3.   ActionPreparing your minds for action. Action are ignited by the mind. Abstract thinking and analytical thinking is the energy that prepares the mind to action. Our words are “thoughts in clothes” and our actions are “thoughts in suit”. Thinkers never retire. When we stop thinking innovatively we will retire automatically. The greatest enemy of progress is your last success – Myles Munroe. Never stop thinking and aspiring higher. Thinkers are doers, achievers and high-fliers.   

Abstract thinking fuels ambitions and analytical thinking accredits and moves us into action.

Become a masterminded kingdom builder with the mindset of the Master’s mind.  

2 Corinthians 10:5 Take every thought captive.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, teach me to dissect, decode and decipher every thought to dump the futile and nourish the fruitful thoughts. May the art of abstract thoughts paint the picture of your promises in my life, through concrete directives. Amen.

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