28 July 2021 – Mastermind – Part 6

Genesis 6:5 God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagining of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

The National Science Foundation has concluded that 80% of an average person’s thoughts are negative and 95% are repetitive thoughts. A common cold, guilt, condemnation, idleness, physical exhaustion (tiredness), stress, sleep deprivation, hunger, chronic pain or allergies can cause negative thoughts. Negative thoughts drive pessimistic, defaming and depressing emotions.  God gets blamed for the violence, hatred and ruckus in our modern society but the negative thoughts hidden in our head, are the ammunition of devastation that causes the explosive commotions.

Everybody has negative thoughts but when our negative thoughts outweigh the positive thoughts we can be classified as a “negative  thinker”. We know that thoughts drive our actions so, if thoughts are rational and coherent then, actions can be coordinated and corrected. Our mind sets the tone for how we approach the events and circumstances of life, which are often out of control – Dr. Caroline Leaf. Hence if the thoughts that form the infrastructure of our imaginations are pure, holy and true, then the structure of our life will be beautiful, buoyant and benevolent.

Three ways to change negative thinking patterns:

1.   Restricted: Our thought patterns must be restricted but not rigid. Imagination is a good master but a bad servant – Agatha Christie. Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice and a decision.  Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it (Proverbs 4:23). Thoughts that run wild turn-back on us as a beast called “depression”. Negative thoughts are one of the main causes for depression.  Restrict negative thoughts and protect your mind.

2.   Repentant: Many suffer with the “remorse syndrome”. They have pleaded for forgiveness a thousand times yet they cannot forgive themselves. Repent and forgive yourself. If you are quick to think that you are the cause of any problem, then you are suffering from the “remorse syndrome”. Once repented, you have been forgiven and your sins are forgotten. Remorse will only push us into self-pity. Hebrew 8:12 I shall remember their sins no more. Even if we remember, Jesus has chosen to forget The power of the blood of Jesus will wipe a repentant prostitute as clean as a virgin. True repentance refreshes and resets the mind.

3.   Renew: Purity in the mind will give clarity in our vision; in other words – clean mind, clear vision. Titus 1:15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. If the mind is marred with debasing or defiling thoughts, the vision of the mind will be soiled. To have a clear vision, we must have balanced thinking. Renewing our mind is like cleaning the windscreen daily. Regrets will recoil us back to the past. So clean the cloudy thoughts every day. Renew and clean the windshield of your mind.  

Assess your thoughts and get rid of the negativity. Reset rigid, remorse and regressing thoughts with wise, creative and benevolent thinking patterns.  

Refresh and renew your mindset constantly to embrace the Master’s mind.  

James 4:3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives , that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, teach me to discern between truth and lies, conservative and compromising and discerning and judgemental thoughts. Transform my thinking to be like yours. Give me the Master’s mind. Amen.

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