29 July 2021 – Mastermind – Part 7

2 Corinthians 5:10 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Repetitive thoughts build layer by layer “walls” called “strongholds” in the mind. Strongholds of the mind are thoughts of building blocks cemented by emotions. Positive thoughts build a fortress of safe haven and negative thought patterns build prisons of oppression and depression. Hence a stronghold in the mind is a mental garrison that cannot be penetrated or broken into without force. To have the Master’s mind is to build solid brick walls of sanity based on the Word of God. Hence when there is a war in the mind, our emotions will not be able to break down our values. When our foundation is laid on Jesus Christ the rock and our walls are firmly concreted with the Word, the flood of fear, rejection or loss will not be able to cause a mental breakdown.

On the contrary repetitive negative thoughts and emotions build demonic strongholds. Many fool themselves by believing that they were born short-tempered, anxious or fearful. These are thoughts that became habits and have built strongholds in the mind. All stress and strongholds begin with a negative thought.  The Apostle Paul teaches us to tear down the argumentative and pretentious thoughts by capturing, evaluating and elucidating every thought before processing, digesting and auctioning them.

Three ways to master the Master’s Mind:

1.   Antibacterial: Use antibacterial spiritual-spray to clean negative thoughts. The mind is the spiritual brain that makes decisions to accept or reject a thought, opinion or perspective. Use antibacterial sprays of God’s Word on any infectious, vicious or vicarious thought. “Bad luck comes in 3s”, is a gypsy proverb. If such a thought is left unattended it will build a stronghold of belief that would expect mishaps to happen in threes. Wipe out wrong beliefs, superstitions or fallacy with antibacterial sprays of God’s Word – “All things work together for good”  (Romans 8:28a).   

2.   Anaesthetic: Praise and prayer are like spiritual anaesthesia that numbs the mind when terrorised by bad news or struck with fear. 1 Samuel 30:6 David strengthened himself in the LORD his God. When David saw his town burnt down, his wives and children taken captive and his grief stricken friends plotting to stone him, he anaesthetized his emotional trauma by picking up his harp and singing praises to His Lord. Praise is the painkiller to sedate the pain of loss so it does not turn into rage, rejection or revenge.  Prayer and praise prevents the strongholds of depression from building in our mind.

3.   Antidote: To demolish the existing strongholds, use the sword, the Word of God to tear down the walls. Capture every negative thought and treat it with the antidote of God’s promise. Capture the “I can’t” and medicate it with “I can do all things through Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:13. The Bible has the antidote for any addictions, astringent or attack on the mind. Break down and demolish the negative strongholds and overturn the foundations.   

Demolish existing imprisoning strongholds by repeating God’s Word; wipe your mind clean of unwholesome thoughts with the power of God’s Word; fill your mind with praise to negate negative thoughts and embrace the Master’s mind.  

1 Corinthians 2:16 But we have the mind of Christ.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, train me to use your Word as the antidote to demolish imprisoning strongholds and negate mood swings. Tutor me to renew my mind like the mind of Christ. Amen.

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