31 July 2021 – Salty or Seasoned – Part 2

Leviticus 2:13a “And every offering of your grain offering you shall season with salt”.

Salt was a very valuable condiment of trade in the ancient world. The special salt rations paid to the Roman soldiers were known as “salarium argentums”. The word “salary” is derived from the root word “salarium” (“Sal means salt in Latin).  Hence, salt was used like currency in commercial trade. It was a precious commodity in the primeval times as it was used as the preservative before the invention of refrigeration. The only method of preserving food was by salting it. Salt preserves food by drawing out the water and dehydrating it. Loss of water from the cells kills bacteria. Salted meat and other products can even last for years.

In the Old Testament ordinance, salt was an essential component of all offerings symbolically representing longevity and preservation of fidelity. Furthermore, since it was a valuable product it formed a part of the sacrificial giving. Bringing the application of “salted offerings” to our modern millennium; without salt life would be flavourless.  Job 6:6 Can flavourless food be eaten without salt?. Salt represents the nature of Christ in us. Our saltiness preserves relationships, protects purity and serves as a flavouring agent of Godliness. Our worth and value is not in our colour, crown or credentials but in the God flavouring of Christlikeness in us.

Three main uses of salt in the natural and the spiritual:

1.   Preserves: Salt is used to preserve food. If the conversations we have build relationships, restore marriages, encourage endurance, then our conversations are seasoned with love. The words of gossipers, slanderers or taletellers are like over salted fresh fries. They are tempting and tasty but make you sick in the stomach. Colossians 4:6 Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt so as to conserve love, reserve disunity and preserve relationships. Salt seasoning to our soul preserves unity, Godliness and integrity.  

2.   DehydratesSalt is used to dehydrate and kill bacteria. Two teaspoons of salt is recommended to dehydrate ½ a kg of meat. The only time we are allowed to use an excess amount of salt is to curtail microorganisms or spiritually to drive out demons. We are permitted to rebuke, curse and drive out demons. Our conversations must never be salty to people but are permitted in exorcism. In my name they will drive out demons (Mark 16:17). Dehydrate demons, defeating thoughts and draining dialogues. Don’t talk, request or convince them to leave – drive them out. Salt seasoning in our thoughts and words dehydrates and drives out demons.

3.   Disinfects: Salt is used as a disinfectant. Salt water, also known as saline, can be used as a natural disinfectant basically for everything. Gargling salt water has many advantages, including directly killing bacteria. Repeating the promises of God has the same effect of warm salt water gargling in the spiritual. It kills or expels any infectious thoughts, fears or intimidations. It kills the bacteria of negative confessions.  Salt seasoning in our confessions disinfects insidious, infectious and insinuating heaviness in our mind.  

Godly seasoning and saltiness represent our commitment and covenant with God. Do not leave the salt of the covenant of your God out of your grain offerings. Let us sprinkle the seasoning of God’s goodness in our thoughts, walk and talk.  

Leviticus 2:13b With all your offerings you shall offer salt.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may the words of my mouth be seasoned with salt to preserve relationships, drive out demons and disinfect negativity in my conversations. Let them be seasoned with love. Amen.

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