07 August 2021 – Substance & Evidence – Part 2

Hebrews 11:6a But without faith it is impossible to please Him.

Faith is not just a code of ethics but the core of our entity. Faith defines the nature of God and is the backbone that supports our beliefs, opinions and expectations of the Omnipotent God. We will value advice only to the extent we esteem the adviser. Similarly, we will value the Scriptures only if we know the character of the Author (God). Faith delineates His character, compassion and capabilities and reinforces the power, authority and might of the Almighty God. Hence, faith determines our proximity to His voice and His Word. Faith is the invisible substance that will determine the distance between us and God and the physical evidence of our untainted walk with Him.

Enoch was an Old Testament saint who walked with God and was taken up to Heaven without tasting death. There is no tombstone with birth date nor death date for Enoch – he still lives! Genesis 5:24 Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. Enoch was teleported by the Universal Inter-Planet Airline because his “faith” pleased God. Enoch walked shoulder to shoulder with the Lord that he could hear the whispers, secrets and the plans of God. The one who has your ear has your heart. One day he went to visit God in Heaven and never returned home! Enoch’s faith pleased God as his strides were paced at the drumbeat of God’s heartbeat.  

Faith shapes our trust and aligns our steps to the will of God:

1.  Vision: Faith will firmly inculcate who we are, our rights, privileges, rules, promises and will envisage our future based on God’s Word. Without faith in Him it is impossible to see His Word coming to fruition in our life. Faith helps us to see beyond the bleak present into the blessed future through the eyes of God. Faith opens the eyes of our heart and floods our mind with hope, life and energy. Enoch’s vision was focused on God’s plan, path and potency; hence his faith pleased God. Faith is a divine telescope into the destined future.

2.  Voice: Faith will open our spiritual eardrums to discern between the voice of God, man and the devil. Voice that disqualifies or complains, is the voice of man. Eg: “God is all powerful but will He do it for me?” is the voice of man. Voice that insidiously creeps in guilt, shame or condemnation is the voice of the devil. Eg: “You should have known better; Even God can’t clean up the mess of your past.” On the contrary, the voice of God will echo the Word of God. Voice of God will reiterate assurance, instructions or corrections from God’s Word. Faith is the resounding wave of God’s Word .

3.  Vigilance: Faith will keep us alert, agile and aware of our steps. When we drive, we don’t have the traffic rules stuck on our dashboard but we follow the road rules to signal, stop or speed unconsciously. Faith warns, alerts and cautions us to walk and keep us in alignment with His will. Faith is the automatic alert-system of the heart.

Hence “faith” is the substance of our “internal-belief-system” and evidence of our “external-response-system” in alignment to God’s will and His Word.

Hebrews11:6b  For before his (Enoch’s) translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, May the core of my belief-system be strengthened in your Word and may my steps be in response to the rhythm of your heartbeat. Amen.

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