29 August 2021 – Jesus Did Not Say – Part 3

Mark 6:38 “How many loaves do you have?” He asked. “Go and see.”

Jesus did not say go and see how much money you have? He said, how many loaves do you have? Modern version would be “Go and check what you have?” The disciple came back with a little boy’s lunchbox with five loaves and two fried sardines. Jesus took the snack box and fed the multitudes. Jesus could have multiplied bread for the hungry throng from the empty baskets in front of Him; however, He sent the disciples to search for what they had and used the packed lunch to perform the miracle. Jesus was driving a very important principle to the disciples on that miraculous evening – Small is not insignificant when we are in partnership with God.

There were about five thousand men besides women and children. If we assume there were 10,000 adults and each family had about two kids, there would have been about 10,000 children. If the portion of consumption of the adults were twice as much as the children, the five loaves would have multiplied into 150,000 loaves and two fishes would have become 60,000 pieces of fried fish. A snack box was served as a sumptuous meal for the multitude and there were leftovers. In the middle of a severe shortage, scarcity or succumb, Jesus would ask you and me the same question – What do you have? Our Creator God has built in us all that we require to be successful. Our talents could be unrefined, wisdom unpolished and skills untrained. Yet small is not insignificant when we are in divine partnership.

Three things that Jesus will not ask:

  1. Budget: Jesus will not question your budget. Small becomes Big when we shake hands with the Almighty. The disciples complained that they would need half a year’s wages to feed the insatiable mass. Jesus paid no attention to the budget that was presented by the disciples. He just said, go and see what you have. He blessed the snack box, broke the bread and fed the mass. Shake hands with the Sovereign to turn your passion, pennies and pitfalls into significance.    
  1. Barrier: Jesus will not talk to us about the barriers, boulders and barricades. No problem is too big for Jesus and no mountain is too high for Him to climb. Jesus did not ask the disciples to count the number of people to be served. Pondering, assessing and googling about the problem will magnify its dimension. Jesus wants to hear about our business plans, visions and goals. Our weakness, inefficiencies and lack will not block us when we are in partnership with the Destiny Maker. Make Jesus the CEO of your life and bulldoze the barriers into boulevards.
  1. Background: Jesus was not intimidated by the remote cleft that they were stuck in. Our background, affluence, influence or opulence is not important to Him. He took a poverty stricken boy Dr. Myles Munroe from the Bahamas who was ridiculed as a ‘retarded monkey’ to become an imperial influential motivational speaker and businessman. Our background, inexperience or inadequacy means nothing to Him. Under the leadership of King Jesus, His backdrop becomes our background.

Jesus will never talk about what we don’t have. He will only say, Go and see what you have.

Joel 3:10 Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’

Prayer: Heavenly Father I invite you to be the CEO over my life, my aspirations, anticipations and ambitions. Little will become big and small will become significant when you touch it. Amen. 

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