31 August 2021 – Jesus Did Not Say – Part 5

Mark 12:16 They brought the coin, and Jesus asked them, “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?”

Some Pharisees and Herodians wanted to trap Jesus with His words to cause political unrest. During the times of Jesus, Israel was under the tyranny of Rome. The Romans collected tax on everything that they could possibly think of. Other than the 1% of the income, there were customs, import & export taxes, toll bridges, crop taxes, sales tax, property taxes, and special taxes to finance war or building projects. Ancient faithful Jews also paid a voluntary religious tax or ‘temple tax’ which was half of a shekel or about half an ounce of silver under the Mosaic Law toward sacrifice and incense. Hence ancient Judeans paid both religious and secular tax while the rich Romans lived tax free luxurious lives. We see that locals were hired by the Romans to collect tax. The ‘tax collectors’ were corrupt and collected more than they should and exploited the civilians. Hence ‘taxation’ was a very touchy topic to discuss in public. The Pharisees wanted to ambush Jesus in a political controversy  and turn the Roman government against His booming leadership.

They craftily worded their question to Jesus, “Teacher, we know that you are a man of integrity…Is it right to pay the imperial tax to Caesar or not? 15 Should we pay or shouldn’t we?” (Mark 12:14-15). Jesus knowing their deceitful thoughts taught them a divine truth and outbid their devious trick. “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s” (Vs 17). Jesus did not say, break the governmental regulations and obey the religious law. He came to reestablish relationship and not religion. Obeying the law of the land is obedience to God.

Three reminders on righteous living:

  1. Inscription: The inscription on the Roman coin was “Caesar Augustus Tiberius, son of the Divine Augustus“. The worth and value of the coin was determined by the inscription. When rulers changed, the inscription changed. Similarly, the inscription over our lives are the transcripts from the Word of God.

No incantation, spells or divination written in our name by any witch, warlock or sorcerer will prevail as we have the inscription of Christ written over our lives. Under the supreme authority of Christ Jesus, all other charms are crushed, shattered and burnt to dust. His Word is inscribed over our lives.  

  1. Image: As the image of Caesar was on the Roman coin, the image of Christ Jesus is on our inner man. The image denotes ownership hence, no one can take ownership over our lives except the one whose image is embossed in us. Our social, secular or financial status have no relevance with our relational status with God. We are made in His image hence, we belong to Him. His image gives us a face-lift and social security.   
  1. Identity: Jesus looped image with identity. Our identity is marked by our integrity. Paying tax, obeying road rules, social rules and government directives as good citizens is imperative to truly represent the image of Christ imprinted in us. Only integrous civilians make excellent soldiers in a country as well as in the Kingdom of God. His identity of integrity, purity and probity, should be our individuality.      

Jesus addressed a religious question with a relational answer.  

Mark 12:17 And they were amazed at Him.

Prayer: Father God, my worth, value and identity is not in my possession or profession but in the inscription of your Word and the image of Christ in me. Amen. 

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