07 September 2021 – The Blood – Part 5

Leviticus 17:14 “You must not eat the blood of any creature, because the life of every creature is its blood”.

The Bible brings science and spirituality together in the above command. The book of Leviticus contains excerpts from the thesis of a scientific study on animal protein and its reaction to the human body. The Lord instructed the redeemed slaves, who had no control over their diet or cultural awareness about their wellbeing, a list of unclean animals protein that they should avoid eating.  “The blood” was also on the debarred list.

Blood is the cleansing agent of our body. Blood carries oxygen and nutrition to our body’s cell and removes waste, toxins and other pollutants from the cells. Furthermore, the white blood cells are the key players to our immune system that fights against infections. Hence the blood is both the cleansing agent and the defense mechanism of the body.

The Lord God said, any animal or bird that may be eaten must drain out the blood and cover it with earth, 14 because the life of every creature is its blood (Vs 13 & 14).  As much as life is in the blood, the dirt, disease and death are also in the blood. When we eat blood of any creature, we are eating a mouthful of the waste filtered from the different organs of the body! The scaffolding to the spiritual command in the book of Leviticus, “You must not eat the blood”, is backed by the scientific truth.

Since both sickness and our sinful nature are in the blood, Jesus shed His blood as an atonement  for our sins, sickness and curses that results from repeated, unrepentant or generational iniquities. Hence the antidote to sickness to the body or the soul is in the blood of Jesus.

  The blood of Jesus heals:

  1. Microbiology: Microbiology is the study of all living organisms that are too small to be visible to the naked eye. We are all prone to fungal, viral or bacterial infections in our body and soul. COVID is a viral infection to our body and classism/racialism is an airborne infection to the soul. The blood of Jesus is the scientific antidote to all airborne infections to the body and the soul.
  1. Physiology: Physiology is a branch of biology that deals with the bodily functions and structure. All infections are distributed to the body through the blood. Blood disorders manifests as excessive fatigue and tiredness crippling the functioning of the body. Sin is the spiritual disorder of the soul that causes dysfunction in our families and relationships. Hence we require a blood transfusion with the sin-free blood of Jesus to set us free. The blood of Jesus heals the blood infections of the body and soul to restore us to normal functioning.  
  1. Histology: Histology is the study of the microscopic structure of tissues and used to study the disease of the tissues. When the blood is contaminated, it infects the tissues and the organs of the body causing it to deteriorate. Similarly, deep rooted infections to the soul such as bitterness, resentment and animosity destroys character. Blood can be detoxified by drinking plenty of water, eating leafy vegetables, cranberries etc. Similarly, the blood of Jesus detoxifies the body and the soul from depression, aggression and dejection.

The blood of Jesus heals our body, mind and soul .

Leviticus 17:14 The life of every creature is its blood.

Prayer:  Dear Jesus, Your blood is the antidote to my physical, emotional and spiritual disease. Your blood heals!  Amen. 

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