08 September 2021 – The Blood – Part 6

Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Bone marrow is the blood cell ‘factory’. Bone marrow makes more than 220 billion new blood cells every day. Healthy bone marrow releases blood cells into the bloodstream when they are mature and when required. When a bone is fractured, the body forms a blood clot around the broken bone to protect it and deliver the cells needed for healing. King Solomon in the above verse draws a parallel between mental wellbeing and physical health under the header – “Happy heart, Healthy life”. WHO (World Health Organization) in one of their press releases had stated that 14% of the global burden of disease can be attributed to mental health. Mental health attributes to  unintentional and intentional injury, self-harm and even suicide. A crushed spirit or depression causes the bones to dry up. Bones in our spirit-man refers to the image or the structure, strength and stamina of our inner-man. Unhealthy mind will dry the marrow in our spirit-man rendering it incapable of releasing fresh healthy blood cells to keep us spiritually alive, agile and alert.  

“Joy” is the bone marrow of the spirit-man that keeps our bones (spiritual image) healthy, tall and strong. Sin has infected and diseased the bone marrow of our soul and has stolen peace, joy and purity.  It is interesting to note that when Jesus was flogged brutally and His body was stripped to shed the blood as a ransom for humanity, none of His bones were broken. Hence there were no clots in His body.  “Not one of his bones will be broken.” (John 19:26). Jesus shed every drop of blood in His body to redeem humanity that was incarcerated in sin, selfishness and sickness. There were no blood clots in His body that had rushed to heal His broken bones; every drop of it was shed to heal us! 

  The blood of Jesus rejuvenates:

  1. White Blood Cells: Without bone marrow, our bodies cannot produce the white blood cells that we need to fight infection. The bone marrow transplant or stem cells of Jesus are transplanted into our spirit man reviving the functioning of the bone. The divine marrow produce white blood cells to fight back sinful desires, unhealthy habits and obstinate addictions. The blood of Jesus is our spiritual stamina.
  1. Red Blood Cells: Bone marrow produces the red blood cells that carry oxygen. When the blood stops flowing to the body parts, the organs will die. The divine marrow in our bones produces red blood cells that removes the dead cells of stubbornness, callousness and contention and replaces them with the life giving nature of Jesus. Proverbs 14:30 A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot. The blood of Jesus is our spiritual energy
  1. PlateletsPlatelets are tiny blood cells (made inside our bone) that help our body form clots to stop bleeding. Sin causes constant punchers, stabs and perforations in the soul, causing bleeding. It is the bleeding and not the stabbing that causes death. Platelets of forgiveness rushes to the bleeding heart and heals the stab wounds of guilt and condemnation. The blood of Jesus is the healing platelets to the soul.  

The bone marrow of Jesus is transplanted when we surrender our lives to Him.

Isaiah 58:11 He will strengthen your bones.

Prayer:  Dear Jesus, may your joy fill the marrow in my bones. May the marrow of my spirit-man keep me alive, energetic and healthy!  Amen. 

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