14 September 2021 – Stages of Prayer – Part 5

Exodus 25:31 Make its seven lamps and set them up on it so that they light the space in front of it.

The tabernacle of Moses is a pictorial roadmap of the pathway of prayer. Opposite to the golden table with the Showbread, there was a golden lampstand. The lampstand, its six branches, flowerlike cups, buds and blossoms were made out of pure gold. It was hammered out of one talent of gold which is equal to about 35kgs (77 pounds) of gold! The dimensions are not mentioned in the Bible but the ancient historian Josephus stated that it was five feet in height with its branches extending out nearly two feet on each side. It was the responsibility of the priests to clean the lampstand, refill with pure olive oil and trim the wicks. Aaron and his sons are to keep the lamps burning before the Lord from evening till morning (Exodus 27:21), meaning that the light in the lamp must never go out.   

Metaphorically, in our time of prayers, we move from reading the Bible at the golden table of “Showbread” to the glorious lampstand burning brightly and brilliantly. This is where information of theological knowledge becomes revelation and doctrines become our discipline. At this stage of prayers, we start listening. Our time of talking, praying, petitioning and pleading has come to an end. Our spiritual ears are quickened and eyes are enlightened to spiritual understanding and insightfulness.

The fifth stage of prayer is a confluence of human knowledge and divine revelation:

  1. Interpretation:  This stage of prayer is a place of divine interpretation of the scriptures. As we read the Bible, a verse would leap into our soul and encourage us. The passage that we have never understood would unveil deep truths. This is where the written word becomes personal or where the logos (theology) becomes rhema (spoken) word to us. There is silence and serenity in our soul. Our lips will be sealed to listen to the still small voice of His interpretation, in the depths of our heart. It’s a time of revelation.
  1. Perception: At this stage we will be clothed with divine understanding, serenity and perspicacity. We will be able to discern the heart, the nature and the reasoning of God. Our views, perception and opinions will change to align with the mind of God. Deep insightfulness of the compassion of our Saviour will delve us into divine saturation. It’s a time of counsel.     
  1. Revelation: The revelatory gifts of the Holy Spirit are in operation and will reveal the precious treasures and truth hidden in the Word of God. Misconceptions, misinterpretations, misunderstandings and misdemeanor will melt away. God Almighty reveals secrets to us in the light of the lampstand. Psalms 24:14 The secret counsel of the LORD is for those who fear Him. It’s a time of clandestine.

The bright glorious ‘light’ in the lampstand in the Holy of Holies symbolically portrays the light of the world – Jesus. I am the light of the world (John 8:12).  When we marinate ourselves in this place of worship day after day, nothing can downcast or downtrodden us. At the lampstand, our eyes will meet the eyes of Jesus. Isaiah 48:17 I will counsel you with my eye upon you. The burning lampstand, the divine revelations will be resounding in the depth of our soul day and night.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.

Prayer:  Dear Jesus, silence me in your presence and sharpen my spiritual ears to hear your instruction, perception and revelation of the scriptures. Amen. 

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