15 September 2021 – Stages of Prayer – Part 6

Exodus 37:25a & 26a Then he made the altar of incense of acacia wood. You shall overlay it with pure gold.

The tabernacle of Moses is the Google guide and the prototype to the stages of prayer. In the Holy Place, to the right was the ‘golden table of showbread’, to the left was the ‘lampstand’ but in the middle opposite to the entrance of the Holy of Holies was a ‘golden altar of incense’. The coal from the altar of sacrifice in the outer court was used to burn incense. The exquisite formula was blended according to the specifications in the scripture and the priest burnt the incense regularly before the Lord. The ancient theologians say that the aroma of the incense wafted up to quarter of a mile from the tabernacle.    

Figuratively this is the most aromatic stage of prayer. We have entered ‘The Gate’; received forgiveness at the ‘Altar of Sacrifice’, washed ourselves with the Word at the ‘Bronze Basin’, tasted the goodness of God at the ‘Table of Showbread’ and have been enlightened in our mind and heart at the lampstand. Allegorically, the burning coal represents our heart that is burning with passion for God and the incense, the finely blended fragrance, is the fruit of our lips. The spiritual food that we ate at the table of Showbread and the illumination at the lampstand, ignited gratitude in our hearts to burn like coal. As we sing the grandeur, glory and graciousness of God, our words become sweet smelling perfume to the Lord. This is the place where the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf. We would become an audience to our own prayer as the Holy Spirit prays through our vocal chords. 

The sixth stage is a place of superfluous overflow of the Holy Spirit:

  1. Ideogram: This stage is a symbolic representation of the succulent, poignant and cherishable closeness with the Lord. The chemical reaction of the blended spices of gum resin, onycha and galbanum and pure frankincense burning on hot coal drifted a smoky sweet perfume. If the combined species are placed on cold coal there will be no aroma. Similarly, only if  our heart is ignited with gratitude, goodness and graciousness to the Lord our praise will be like smoky sweet smelling incense.
  1. Intersession: This is a place where the priest would offer incense for intercession, mediation and negotiation. In the trajectory of prayer, this is the point where our hearts are ablaze with His compassion and our lips speak His will. 1 John 5:14 If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.  We will hear the Holy Spirit interceding through us. There is no lamenting, only leveraging the will of God and outburst of praise, worship and tears. Intercession is like burning sweet incense.
  1. Incense: A sweet perfume attracts, captivates and draws the attention of God.  Revelation 8:4 The smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before God from the hand of the angel. An angel will be collecting the prayers in a golden bowl and taking it to the throne room of God. Praying the will of God will rise up like a thick incense before the Lord.

At the sixth stage of prayer we are drowned in the smoky aromatic incense of intercession and incessant worship.

Psalm 141:2 My prayer came before you like incense.

Prayer:  Dear Jesus, may my heart be the burning coal on which my worship arises as sweet aromatic incense to you. Amen. 

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