21 September 2021 – Light & Legacy – Part 5

Genesis 9:13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.

The rainbow is a gentle reminder of the covenant that the Lord God made with Noah. When light travels from one medium (air) into a denser medium (water), it slows down, splits into seven colours and exits at a different angles. The seven colours in the sunlight have different wavelengths. Red leaves at 42 degrees, blue at 40 degrees and the other colours leave somewhere in between, through the droplets, diverging the light into seven splendid colours of the rainbow. When sunlight shines through the curtain of raindrops, the water particles become the prism through which light is bifurcated into different colours.

Every ravaging storm, sickness or suffering we pass through in life will become a rainbow if we allow the “light” of God to pass through it. We become better when we allow the light to penetrate through the shutter of sorrow or turn bitter if we wallow in the darkness of anger, doubt and resentment. Our confidence in His unfailing faithfulness makes God colours glow through us. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous (Matthew 5:45). ‘The righteous’ shine the light of God through the rain reflecting a rainbow, the “resentful” hide behind the grumpy and stroppy dark rain clouds.  There’s always a rainbow after the rain.

Allow the light of God’s love to shine through as pretty God-colours:     

  1. Sign: When the light of God’s love shines through our lives during the stormy, tumultuous times, God colours will shine forth as a pretty rainbow. The rainbow of ‘serenity in stress’ is the sign of His light and love shining through us. If we huff and puff or question God at every hurdle, our light will be very dim. We will have no rainbow if we fail to project love when we are hurt. Rejoicing at the success of others, forgiveness and accepting “no” as an answer from God who is Omniscient (all-knowing) will truly reflect the God colours through our lives. Become a sign of God’s love.     
  1. Symbol: When the light of God’s goodness shines through our lives we will bring out the glory of God and God colours to the world. Defeating racism, classism and discrimination. Turning a deaf ear to the slanderer; loving the neglected, outcast and ostracized radiates and reflects God colours in this wicked and selfish world. Rainbow in the sky will make people look up. Similarly, when we become a symbol and a rainbow of God’s kindness, the attention of the lost, broken and downtrodden will be drawn Heavenward.  Become a symbol of God’s Goodness.
  1. Signature: The rainbow is God’s signature in the sky. As the droplets in the sky become the prism through which the colour of the rainbow are refracted, we must become the spectrum of God’s nature to the world.  Integrity, truthfulness, genuineness and selfless  compassion shines as a crescendo of God colours in the world. Be the signature of God.

When the light of Jesus shines through our teardrops, we will become the rainbow, a sign, symbol and signature of God. Don’t waste your teardrops, turn them into a legacy.

Matthew 5:15 Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, teach me to shine God colours reflecting your love, goodness and compassion to the world. Amen. 

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