23 September 2021 – Light & Legacy – Part 7

Matthew 4:16 The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.

Light is the fastest travelling phenomenon in the universe. Nothing can travel faster than light. It travels at 299,792 kilometers per second. Light is the vivid representation of the divine power and life-giving energy transmitted from Heaven to earth. It penetrates, liberates and transforms our soul.The Bible says, when Jesus started preaching, people oppressed and blinded by the dark demonic realm were physically healed and spiritually enlightened. The light of God’s word exposes wrongdoings from weakness; and emotions from entanglements. As stains or spots cannot be hidden in a white canvas or clothing, our sins cannot be hidden under the brightness of God’s light. You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence (Psalms 90:8).When Jesus, the Light of the world, invades our heart, the hidden sins will be exposed and exterminated. 

‘White light’ is defined as the light that contains all the colours of the visible spectrum. White objects appear white because they reflect all the wavelengths of colour and not just one.  Hence, white has evolved to be the iconic colour of holiness and the heavenlies.When this glorious bright divine light shines through our life,our lives will become prime, proper and prominent. “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn (Isaiah 60:1&3). The light of God’s presence will attract the baffled and the bewildered towards us.

Three benefits of the light of God’s presence:

  1. Conducts:When we invite the Light of the World(Jesus) into our lives, our character and conduct will be  influenced by His light. As mixing the water from two glasses into one, there will be a convergence of our intention and intuitions with God’s principles and purpose. Light controls our conduct and character
  1. Classify: When the Light of the World invades our heart, He will direct us towards our destiny. The wise men from the East followed a bright star that directed them towards Christ the King. Bible scholars say that the Magi researched the prophecies of Daniel from the library in Babylon and discovered the star that led them to the manger in Bethlehem. Following the light, directs us toward wisdom, decisions and Godly destinations. No wonder the magi are called wise men. Light classifies us among the wise.
  1. Converts: Paul the apostle was converted from a persecutor to a powerful preacher by a bright light from Heaven.  “About noon as I came near Damascus, suddenly a bright light from Heaven flashed around me” (Acts 22:6).The bright light sparked conviction and converted Paul into the greatest missionary and the messenger to the modern church. Light converts a murderer into a martyr for the Master.

The light of God’s presence illuminates our darkened soul and the Light of God’s Word guides us into righteousness. Arise, and shine God colours to the dark world. God’s light positions us in the limelight and leaves a lasting legacy.Divine light makes us shine like stars.

Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever.

Prayer: Father of Lights, shine in me and shine through me. May your light be reflected in my conduct and character so I may be classified among the wise. Amen. 

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